Is It Really True?
We have heard from many tabloid sources in the past ten months that the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant. Is it really true this time? Yes, we have it from a very reliable source – The British Monarchy – that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting her second child! How exciting that is! Catherine is staying close to home – Kensington Palace in London – as she is, once again, experiencing the morning sickness that she did with Prince George but we have no doubt that she will be up and about very soon. Hopefully, in time for her first solo trip to Malta on 20 September! In a sign of her confidence in her grandson’s wife, the Queen had asked the Duchess to travel to the Mediterranean island of Malta, which holds a special place in her heart. Hopefully, she will be able to make the trip, on behalf of the Queen, It will be to celebrate Malta’s 50th anniversary of being independent from the United Kingdom.
Joy – another little!

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