Words of Wisdom – A Good Listener

We came across a wonderful reminder for any parent, grandparent or special person in a child’s life. We think it is certainly worth sharing here with our chums.

This came to us by way of social media from @thedanishway.
Wow what pearls of wisdom these are! So true and such a powerful reminder to listen…truly listen. Listen not to fix but to understand. We can help shoulder the burden our young ones feel just by letting them know we care enough to listen to them, by letting them express their fear, their pain, their frustration, sadness, worry or disappointment. And by listening we can be present to celebrate their excitement, anticipation, success and joy.
What a gift listening is and one so often in short supply. A great reminder to us all to give that very precious gift of just listening.

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True words of wisdom…key listen!
PS. website never remembers me
Yes! We agree – listen!
Not sure what you mean, Ernie, that the website never remembers you.