Words Of Encouragement
If you’ve been our chum for a while you know that for a number of years now we have regularly brought you posts entitled “Words Of Wisdom”. Starting today we want to add a new category that we will bring from time to time called “Words of Encouragement”.
This segment may be a quote from a book or a person. It could be a line from a movie, or a story we’ve seen on social media. For the matter, it could in fact be a comment you or one of our other chums has submitted. Here is our word of encouragement for today:

We feel sure someone reading this today can use this encouragement or maybe you know someone else who needs to hear these words. At any rate, there is little doubt that now, maybe more than any time we can remember, people are tired, worn down by conflict, misunderstanding, injustice, lack of common sense, lack of respect, the list goes on and on. So many people are in need of hope and encouragement and it will be our joy to repeat and repost the kind of words that offer that, wherever and whenever we come across them.
As for today’s word of encouragement…We all have a destiny to reach. If you hit a roadblock as this message says, change course to make reaching that destiny or goal a reality, but don’t give up. Never, never give up.
Wherever or whatever it is that you are feeling called to, know that God has a plan and purpose. He will make a way for you to reach the goal or destiny or plan (however you like to think of it) that He put in your heart. Trust that, and try a different path if you need to, but don’t abandon it…never give up. So much of the joy in life is in the journey, not just the destination. Remember that and press on.

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