With The Wonder Of A Child

We have a very very dear friend who is struggling with that beast Alzheimers. He recently needed a trip to the ER and was there long hours, only leaving in the early hours of the morning. His wife relayed the following story as they drove home at sunrise.
As I drove him back from the hospital one early
morning our conversation went like this:
Me: Oh look Sweetheart the Sun is rising.
Denny: Wow, does that happen every day?
Me: (giggling) Yes, yes it happens every
Denny: Well that is really great!
I thought: mmm when was the last time I
just was grateful that God simply made the
Sunrise without stressing about what the
day had in store? I’ll never forget that, it
changed my life!
In the midst of this awful disease, God broke through to allow such a moment of childlike wonder on his part, and crystal clear awareness of our need for that kind of awe and appreciation on the part of his wife. Oh that we might all have some moments. even today in spite of any difficult circumstances we may be facing, of simple childlike wonder.

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Made me tear up, how precious! Amen.