Wisdom From A Squirrel
What animal in our world exhibits activity more than the common squirrel? When children wiggle incessantly or move around frenetically we sometimes refer to them as being “squirrely”.
This photo was taken after watching this little creature run about the yard and climb trees and move from spot to spot in the backyard on a summer afternoon. As he (or maybe she) leapt from a low tree branch and ran across the stone fence surrounding the swimming pool, this little squirrel instinctively knew it was time for a rest. So right where he was, he stopped and sprawled out on the rock wall and languished there for several minutes. At least long enough for me to stop what I was doing, find my phone, walk out into the yard and take this picture, and then sit for several minutes more watching him relax and rest there. Perhaps this was all of 5 minutes or so…not so long in human terms but plenty long in the life of a squirrel whose total life expectancy is only 5-10 years, if he is lucky.
There was a life lesson in this simple observation. How often do we “run around” claiming to be doing important or necessary things to the point of near exhaustion, not listening to that inner voice telling us that it is time to stop and rest. A common advertising slogan for running shoes produced a billboard some years ago that read, “You can rest when your dead”. The truth is, without rest, death may come sooner than one might wish. According to the site takebreaks.live who has collected the “Importance of rest” from sources across the web, here are just some of the health benefits of resting:
Reduce stress
Improved mood
Improved immune health
Injury prevention
More energy
Enhanced brain function
Improved memory
Muscle repair
Strengthens cardiovascular system
Supports healthy sleep
There are also spiritual benefits to rest. One of your Two Chums favorite verses in the Bible is found in Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”. In the stillness more than just our bodies and minds are replenished, or souls are as well.
Our natural inclination is often to just keep moving no matter what our bodies, our minds, or our souls are telling us. They are often crying out for some simple rest, whether that be a few quiet moments in the midst of a hectic day, or longer periods of quiet that a vacation, or days away from our regular responsibilities might bring.
So for whoever needs to hear this today, take some wisdom from this little squirrel and give yourself permission to rest. Remember to “Be still and know that I am God”.

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