Why President?

Once the U.S. finally secured its independence from Great Britain with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the new country had to invent lots of things from scratch, including its form of government, its rules and laws, and even what to call its leader.
The title “president” — derived from the Latin presider, which means “to sit before” — had usually been reserved for heads of colleges or ceremonial titles in congresses or committees. (John Hancock was president of the Second Continental Congress, for example.)
Before American independence, leaders of European countries were called kings, queens, emperors, dukes, or even Lord Protectors (during England’s more revolutionary years) but never “president.”
Article II of the U.S. Constitution enshrined the title “President,” reflecting the democratic sentiments of post-revolutionary America. However, the country’s founding document didn’t solve all the intricacies related to the title.
In the spring of 1789, Congress debated exactly how to address the President.
John Adams, then Vice President and head of the Senate, hand-picked a committee that thought the title “His Highness, the President of the United States of America, and Protector of the Rights of the Same” (or something similar) put George Washington on even footing with his royal European peers, but many other lawmakers thought the title too monarchical. Thomas Jefferson called it “the most superlatively ridiculous thing I ever heard of”.
Instead, Washington opted for just plain “President of the United States.” Decades later, Haiti followed suit by naming its leader “president” in 1807. Today, dozens of ocutnries use the title for their heads of state.
And there you have it! How the name “President” came into being for this Country! Thanks to Interesting Facts!

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