Why Black and White?

We all (well, I speak for a lot of chums of ours) love black and white…its makes quite a statement but have you ever wondered if zebras are black and white for any reason?
Sure, the black and white striped print can be quite stylish, but for zebras, the patterned coat serves a valuable purpose. Animal researchers believe the stripes help to deter insects. To test this theory, a team of researchers painted zebra-like stripes on a group of cows. Over a three-day period, they watched for biting flies, and also for fly-repelling behaviors, such as tail twitching and leg stamping. The results were clear: there were less than half the number of biting flies present on the zebra-striped cows as there were on the unpainted bovines. The striped animals also showed about 20% less fly-repelling behavior. Researchers hypothesize that the black and white stripes affect insects’ vision and possibly even the senses that aid in flying and landing. Moral of the story: Wear zebra print to your next outdoor barbecue.
Thank you, Trivia Genius. We love what we learn from you!

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