Who is Credited With Giving Us The Gas Powered Motor Car?

Was it Henry Ford? Read on to find out…
Karl Benz, from Germany, is credited with creating and patenting the first true gas-powered automobile in 1885-86.
Several others, like French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, tried to lay claim to the title, but Cugnot’s 3-wheeled steam-powered military tractor produced in 1769 didn’t really count.
A rival to Benz, Gottlieb Daimler produced his version of the car shortly after Benz and Daimlers’ auto group came up with the Mercedes brand. It wasn’t until 1926 that the auto companies owned by Daimler and Benz were merged in post-WWI Germany to form Daimler-Benz and finally adopt Mercedes-Benz as their iconic auto trademark.
Thanks, Trivia Genius!
Have a super weekend!

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