Well Said!

With age often comes wisdom. When one has lived a full and rich life there is a “knowing” that sometimes eludes those who are young. Today we share some wise words from Prince Phillip who learned a thing or two in his 99+ years that seem especially relevant today.
“Look up, look out, say less, do more.” – Prince Phillip
Contrary to what some believe, the British way of dealing with life is not just a matter of having a stiff upper lip for the sake of never showing or sharing emotion. There are surely times when it is wise to be quiet, when “sharing” isn’t helpful, much less wise. Talk is cheap and sometimes hurtful and unnecessary. Always looking in the rearview mirror rather than looking ahead, looking outward and moving forward can keep you very stuck in hard places. And as this quote implies, it is often in the “doing” that we work things out for ourselves. We think this advice from King Charles’ father and William and Harry’s grandfather is very wise and most well said.

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