Well Done! Rejoicing In The Good!

“When a young mother boarded a packed plane with her 4-month-old daughter en route to surprise her military husband, she never realized what an impact her flight would have on other people. In fact, Rebekka Garvison was so trepidatious about flying alone with her young daughter, she asked the flight attendant to let her change seats when she saw exasperated looks on the faces of the older couple seated beside her. That seat switch made all the difference.
As Rebekka shared on Facebook, she moved to a row with two empty seats, but despite the extra room, baby Rylee wouldn’t stop crying. That’s when a stranger sitting next to her offered to try to calm the baby — and that woman was nothing short of a baby whisperer. Not only did Rylee stop crying, but she also fell asleep in the woman’s arms and remained there for the entire flight.
Rebekka’s post has gone viral with more than 65,000 people sharing it. But it is the response of the woman who held little Rylee that struck me. Nyfesha Miller shared the post and thanked everyone for posting such kinds words about her, saying:
Extra special thanks to new mommy & military wife, Rebekka Garvison, who I had the honor, privilege & blessing to meet and assist. She’s truly a sweet, loving mommy & wife, who deserves all the accolades. God Bless you all!!
Proof that there is still good in the world — you just have to find it!”
Rejoicing in the good.

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