Well Done…Mr. Hanger

Every year there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who lose one of their limbs. Many of them, sadly, are our veterans. It is a difficult loss for anyone who must have a leg taken off for any reason.

When faced with hardship and difficult situations in life we all have a choice. We may not be able to change our circumstances but we can always change the way we respond to what life deals us. James Hanger didn’t wallow in his grief and despair at losing his leg. This young man, who had every reason to stay depressed and despondent, turned his sadness and loss around and made what was a truly negative situation into a positive one for himself and thousands of others. He overcame his adversity and turned it into an opportunity to improve himself and make the world a better place. Gratefully, there is hope and possibility for movement and independence today for amputees. This is due in no small part to the ingenuity, determination and positivity of this one man. So today, more than 150 years later, we say Well Done James Hanger, Well Done.

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