Well done! Definition of ‘Sexy’
Ashton Kutcher rose to the top of the pile a couple of weeks ago when he told a gigantic crowd of teenagers that to be sexy, one needs to be smart, thoughtful and generous.
As he spoke to cheering crowds, he explained that there are three important things that he has learned in life.
The first is that ‘opportunity’ looks like hard work. He explained that he had many opportunities starting out – the first was carrying shingles up to the roof to help his father, the second was washing dishes in a restaurant, the third was working in a deli and the fourth, sweeping the floor in a factory . These were all opportunities for work and stepping stones to where he is now.
The second thing he mentioned is that to be ‘sexy’ is actually to be ‘smart’, ‘thoughtful’ and ‘generous’.
The third and last most important thing he advised them about was, “Build a life, don’t live one”. In other words, don’t just accept everything around you. Make a change if you see a chance to make a good change.
He left the stage saying “Find your opportunities and always be sexy!”
Our hats off to Ashton Kutcher. On this occasion, at least, he was a GREAT role model…….more love, more joy and more abundance in life!
You can see Ashton’s comments in full if you click here .

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