Well Done – Aid In Orlando
Americans were shocked to awake to the news Sunday of yet another horrific terror attack in Orlando. In the midst of the grief, anger, frustration, and the loud opinions being offered on all sides about what should be done moving forward to prevent further attacks, there were those who quietly went about helping without loud fanfare. There are no doubt many many individuals and companies who have stepped up to help the families of victims and the first responders to this attack, but a few have surfaced that we want to highlight for their acts of kindness today.
Throughout its 70-year history, Chick-fil-A has maintained a policy of staying closed on Sundays, a decision founder Truett Cathy made so that employees “would have an opportunity to rest, spend time with family and friends, and worship if they choose to do so,” according to the company website. Some Chick-fil-A employees in Orlando showed up for work on Sunday, departing from the normal hours the fast food chain keeps in order to prepare food for first responders and people donating blood to victims of the shooting at gay nightclub Pulse.
“The events in Orlando stirred our local restaurant owners and their teams to band together to provide nourishment to first responders as well as volunteers who donated blood,” company spokeswoman Carrie Kurlander said in a statement. “We do not think this requires any recognition. It is the least we can do in this community we love.”
Jet Blue Airlines:
In the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre, JetBlue is offering free flights to and from Orlando to family members of the victims.
“We want to do our part to help the victims of this tragedy, as well as support the Orlando community through this difficult time,” JetBlue said on its website. “This weekend’s events are felt by all of our 19,000 crewmembers, many of whom live in, work from and travel through Orlando.”
The campaign is GoFundMe’s largest ever, dwarfing the previous record of just over $2 million. The charity site was started in 2010.Equality Florida, the largest LGBT rights group in the state, posted the GoFundMe fundraiser shortly after a gunman killed 49 people and injured dozens more at a gay club in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history Sunday morning. An earlier death toll of 50, released by officials, had included the gunman.
By Tuesday evening, more than 87,000 people had made contributions. That included a $100,000 donation from GoFundMe, which essentially waived its transaction fee.
Dan Pfeiffer, spokesman for GoFundMe and a CNN contributor, confirmed that the campaign for the Orlando victims was the site’s largest ever.
The funds will be distributed to the families of deceased victims, those injured during the attack, and potentially anyone in the club during the shooting, according to NCVC executive director Mai Fernandez. Recipients will have full discretion on how to use the money — such as covering funeral costs, medical bills and counseling.
Victims will get the money in about seven months, though Fernandez said the organization will attempt to deploy funds immediately for emergency situations.
We all have opportunities to lend a hand. it may not always be in the face of a disaster, at least not a national one, but everyday we all come in contact with people who may be experiencing a personal crisis…a severely sick child, a parent who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, the loss of a job, or the breaking up of a marriage. We can at the very least be kind to each other as we never know what burden or crisis someone else may be dealing with in quiet desperation. Let’s be kinder to each other. Love always wins!
These people and businesses we mentioned above showed up in a major national crisis. They gave a hand without calling attention to themselves because they wanted to help, they weren’t looking for applause or recognition, they just wanted to help…to show some kindness to people who were hurting, and for that we say WELL DONE!

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Thank you so much for posting these uplifting and loving acts of kindness and care. This situation has impacted my family in Orlando and the outpouring of love and support has been very moving. Thank you for making us aware of these acts of abundant love.