Well Done 41
Former President George H. W. Bush, also known as “41” died on Friday evening at his home in Houston Texas, at age 94. The title “41” refers to the fact that he was the 41st President. This is a man with arguably many, many friends. His children are quick to say that there are probably at least 200 people who would tell you he is one of their best friends. He inspires loyalty.
Sully,* President Bush’s service dog, would be chief among his loyal friends. He now lies next to his master’s casket awaiting the services a grateful nation will hold to honor “41” later this week.
Much has been said about this man and how prepared he was to hold the office of the most powerful man on the planet. His resumé arguably shows him more qualified than anyone else who has ever held the office.
As an 18 year old, he postponed his plans to attend Yale and instead enlisted in the Navy after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He was the youngest pilot to fly in WWII and was shot down while flying a mission at age 20.
After the war he returned to his home in the Northeast and married the love of his life, Barbara Pierce of Rye, New York whom he had met when he was 16 years old. The two were to be married for 73 years before Barbara’s death this past April. They were the longest married couple who have held the titles of President and First Lady in American history.
Bush went to Yale after the war and completed his degree in an accelerated program that saw him finish in 2 1/2 years while also serving as the captain of the Yale baseball team. He was an accomplished player, a first baseman, and an avid fan of the game all of his life.
When he finished his degree at Yale, George and Barbara Bush decided to make their own way in life, rather than follow the plan set for them by Bush’s family, for George to head to New York and become an investment banker as his very successful father who was also a U.S. Senator had done. The Bush’s left a certain and secure future on Wall Street and instead headed to west Texas with their young son, George W. Bush.
There would be 5 more children born to the couple. The couple’s second child was a daughter, Robin, who died at age 4 from leukemia. George H. W. Bush held a tender spot in his heart for his “curly headed little angel” all of his life.
Many, many years after her death, while he was President, a biographer, Jon Meecham, interviewed Mr. Bush in the Oval office and asked him to read aloud a letter which he had written to his mother shortly after his precious Robin’s death. Here is a video of Jon Meecham reading that letter and telling the story of what he learned about George Bush that day. http://www.c-span.org/video/?c4622992/george-hw-letter-mother-57-58
Bush was the man with the golden resumé who rose through the political ranks. His resumé included:
Navy Pilot in WWII
Small business owner
U.S. Congressman
U.N. Ambassador
Republican Party Chairman
Envoy to China
CIA Director
Two-term U. S. Vice President under President Ronald Reagan
41st President of the United States
Father of the 43rd President of the United States (something he was extremely proud of)
He once told journalist Chris Wallace in an interview “I really believe there can be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others.” The list of his service and accomplishments is impressive by anyone’s account. You can read more about his accomplishments and achievements in any number of places. They have been, and will continue to be, outlined in print and on television all this week. So we want to tell you about something you may not know or hear during the news reports on his life.
George W. Bush, 43, was asked once what his father had said to him when he became President. “He said ‘I love you’…that may sound corny to some, but really that is the most important thing you can ever hear.” In an interview a few years ago, when 41 was asked which of the many accomplishments he achieved he was most proud of, he didn’t miss a beat in answering. With a broad smile he said “My greatest accomplishment? That my children still come home, that they want to be with us.” That tells you everything you need to know about the priorities of George Herbert Walker Bush.
Late Friday evening, George W. Bush placed a call and told his father, “Dad I love you. I will see you on the other side.” To which George H. W. Bush spoke his final words in this life to his eldest son. He said simply “I love you too”.
He led by example and showed us all what was truly important, service to others, serving his country with honor, and always keeping his family first. For this we say Thank You Mr. President…Well Done 41 !
*We have learned this morning that Sully will remain with the former President until he is laid to rest and then will be given to another veteran to finish out his final days.

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What a lovely tribute to Geo. HW Bush. And the letter to his mother after loosing his daughter Robin…I’ve never heard such a heartfelt (and indeed heartbreaking) tribute to a child. What an amazing man. How fortunate we were to have him for even one-term. Thank you for sharing this. H. B-P