Well Done!

With the gentlest of touches….
…this week the annual census of the swan population on the River Thames, known as “Swan Upping” has been taking place.
It began yesterday in Sunbury, Surrey and will end at Abingdon Bridge, Oxfordshire on Friday. Originally it began as a ceremonial exercise but has now become an important element of wildlife conservation.

A flotilla of traditional Thames rowing skiffs, manned by Swan Uppers in scarlet rowing shirts and headed by The Queen’s Swan Marker row their way steadily up the Thames.

The Swan Uppers weigh and measure the cygnets and check them for any signs of injury, commonly caused by fishing hooks and line.
Find out more here: www.royal.uk/swans

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Oh the things I constantly learn from you two ladies! Next thing you know, they’ll be counting the holes it took to fill The Royal Albert Hall and The Beatles will write a song about it.
I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
I’d love to turn you on’
Who are “The Beatles?” I do like the concept for a song lyric, though… how about “four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire?” Someone should write that song!