Toaster Bags

“What is a Toaster Bag?”, you may be wondering. Well these handy dandy kitchen tools may just make your sandwiches a step above!
Many years ago, when I was a young college student, I spent a summer in northern England with a church group in what is known as the Lake District, in a small town called Borrough-in-Furness. I have many fond memories of that summer, but chief among them was a little tea shop on the town’s main street that served THE BEST cheese sandwiches I had ever tasted! They weren’t grilled cheese sandwiches, they were toasted cheese sandwiches. I had one almost everyday I was there because the crisp toasted bread surrounding hot gooey cheese was just plain delicious. When I came home I craved those sandwiches but there was no way to toast a sandwich, (any sandwich, much less a cheese sandwich) in a toaster without creating a mess, if not a fire, as the cheese melted and dripped into the heating coils of the toaster.
The best I could do was to toast the sandwiches on a baking sheet in the oven. Those I will tell you are pretty darn yummy in their own rite, but I’ve longed to figure out how to actually “toast” my cheese sandwich but could never figure out how….until now.

I accidentally came across these “toaster bags” on Amazon. There was the answer! These bags allow you to toast any sandwich without ruining your toaster. So you can have sandwiches that are warmed through and the bread toasted, not just a cold sandwich on toasted bread. And you can also use these great bags to warm pastries, pizza, or even chicken nuggets. But as Fall and cooler weather has arrived, nothing will beat a true English toasted cheese sandwich. And an added benefit is that if you are gluten free, you can take your bags with you to ensure making a sandwich at work, or a friend or family members house, won’t expose you to cross contamination. And as an added benefit these bags are washable and reusable from up to 50-100 times!
Order these toaster bags here at this link, make yourself some tomato soup (get our best recipe for homemade tomato soup here), and prepare to have a yummy treat fresh out of your own toaster.

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Awesome! I’m sure you’ve officially made my husband’s day! Can’t wait til they are delivered. Thanks, Chums.
We are so happy to hear that! YES! Love to you both.
When I was a kid we had “toastite” sandwiches most Sunday suppers, They were a cheese sandwich cooked over the gas burner of the stove in a contraption that had 2 metal “shells” connected with a hinge to hold the sandwich. Then you closed them together and secured them with a hook and held them over the flame by the long handles. When they were toasty on the outside and gooey on the the inside you released the hook and the sandwich was sealed along the edges. I have seen them for sale recently. Now I need to buy myself one. Thanks for the memory.
A sweet memory! Great family times, for sure.