Through The Years – Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
What a darling little girl Elizabeth, or Lillibet as she was called by her family, was! Winston Churchill described Elizabeth when she was two as “a character. She has an air of authority and reflectiveness astonishing in an infant”. Little did she know, at this young age, that she would one day become Queen of England. Not only that, but she would prove to be one of the longest reigning monarchs, if not the longest, ever!
But, she was obviously ready for it! Through the years of her reign, Queen Elizabeth has seen so many, so, so many, changes in life – culturally and morally. Shortly after she first stepped onto the throne in 1952, she had to tell her sister, Princess Margaret, that she could not marry the “love of her life”, Group Captain Peter Townsend, as he was a commoner and also a divorcé! Oh golly, imagine that! Princess Margaret was heartbroken and went onto marry Tony Armstrong-Jones, a photographer, who the Queen made the Earl of Snowden after their marriage. (That marriage ended in divorce.) Such was the moral temperature of the times. After all, the royal family were supposed to hold up the standard and that they tried to do!
Suffice it to say, everything has changed! Three of Elizabeth’s four children are divorced, and two have remarried commoners. When it was decided that Prince Charles needed to get married, “the Firm” as they call themselves, were on the lookout for an aristocratic virgin which they found in the beautiful Lady Diana Spencer. Many years later when William (Prince Charles and Lady Diana’s first-born) announced to the world that he was engaged to be married, it was to a commoner whom he then went on to live with before they were married!
Yes, things have changed – oh yes!
And of course, there has been SUCH a change with the way we do things and the instancy of how we do these things!
Through all of these massive changes, the Queen has kept her promise to serve her country and the Commonwealth. She has “kept calm and carried on….carried on regardless” – or at least that is the face she has shown to us, the public.
A chum of ours sent this wonderful short video of the changing faces of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth which we felt sure you would enjoy!
May the “royal” in each one of us add to the joy of our abundant lives!

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