The Lady In Red
Nancy Reagan, who died Sunday at age 94, loved sequins, fur, and, perhaps most memorably, the color red.“I always liked red. It’s a picker-upper. I didn’t give it the name of Reagan Red, but that became its name.”
So said Nancy Reagan, the wife of the 40th President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan.
Theirs seems to have been a love affair from the beginning until the end. Nancy is said to have said, “My life began when I married “Ronnie”.
The look she had for her husband as she watched him speak in public became known as “the Gaze”. She adored her husband and was not shy about showing it.
“She totally saw her role as supporting and defending her husband,” says Mary Beth Durkin, who produced a documentary “Nancy Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime”. “And in protecting him she became one of the most powerful first ladies ever.”
We salute you, Mrs. Ronald Reagan, and thank you for bringing such grace and love to the White House.

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