
Fahrenheit and Celsius – what do they mean?
Even though Fahrenheit and Celsius have two different zero-degree points, and the Celsius scale is bigger, the two temperatures match at -40 degrees.
Interestingly, the original Centigrade temperature scale created in 1742 by Anders Celsius was actually the reverse of the Celsius scale we use today. On his original scale, water boiled at 0 degrees and froze at 100 degrees. Americans still use the Fahrenheit scale because the U.S. is one of only three countries in the world that have not adopted the metric system as their official system of weights and measures.
A quick way, we have found, to “translate Celsius into Fahrenheit is to double the number and add 32. So, if you are being told that it is 25 degrees Celsius out today, it would be 25 x 2 which equals 50 plus 32 which gives you a grand total of 82 degrees. Now, most people would tell you that that method is “not very scientific” but it works pretty darn well!
Happy Friday, happy weekend and, oh let’s not forget, Happy Birthday, dear little Prince George!

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