Tea or Milk First?
Your Two Chums have always said that, when pouring a cup of tea, the milk should go in first and then the tea. Is this correct?
Apparently, the reason that milk was always put in first was to ensure that the hot tea would not crack the cup. The cooler milk would keep the tea cool enough to not hurt the cup.
We find that, English potter Josiah Spode decided china tea cups should be made using animal bone to ensure they didn’t crack under intense heat.
From then on, Royals and the elite would pour the tea in first to celebrate their expensive china and demonstrate status, whilst people of lower classes would have to keep putting milk in first to stop their cheaper crockery from cracking,
So, there we have it. Tea can go in first as long as you know your cup is of good quality!
And, one more thing about tea drinking, pinky up is not done! Look at Prince William.
No pinky up!
Enjoy, dear chums, enjoy!

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I put the milk in first, simply because the tea or coffee then ‘stirs’ it up during the pour—perhaps not as proper, but no need for a spoon. And as for keeping the pinky down, my seven year old “grand-wonder” recently reminded me of that rule. (From the mouths of babes😂)
Yes! From the mouths of babes, for sure…and what a sweet one she is!