Take A Walk
One of the lovely childhood memories of summer, is walking barefoot in the grass or in the sand at the seashore.We came across an article we thought you would find interesting and possibly quite helpful as well….we certainly thought it was :-):
“Remember the guy in college who went barefoot everywhere? He may have seemed eccentric, but it turns out he was on to something.
Walking barefoot, also known as “earthing,” has gone from being a kooky counter-culture trend, to a scientifically-researched practice with a number of remarkable health advantages, such as increasing antioxidants, reducing inflammation, and improving sleep.
Earthing means walking barefoot on soil, grass or sand (meaning: any natural surface). So we’ll have to get off the sidewalk. Early studies are showing that the health benefits come from the relationship between our bodies and the electrons in the earth. The planet has its own natural charge, and we seem to do better when we’re in direct contact with it.”
Here ‘s to some long and happy walks this summer!

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I’ve been earthing all my life.
This is such terrific stuff–so glad you brought it up, Chums. It’s tough to properly connect with the earth nowadays, and it’s important to be more proactive about it. We I have slept for several years with a ‘grounding’ sheet at the end of our bed, etc. Check out this and other products, along with loads of research, at earthing.com. Hugs from humid Iowa (where the tall corn grows…and really tall this year!)
…and hugs back to you!