Inspiration from the Movies!

See how many of these you know!
Read moreDec 22
See how many of these you know!
Read moreDec 21
Dec 20
The very first American Presidents — George Washington included — led the country through the American Revolution and its earliest days without wearing a single pair of pants!
Read moreDec 19
To be a snowman is to live a life of extreme impermanence.
Read moreDec 16
Words are powerful, capable even of changing the course of history. They can win wars or prevent them. They can impart comforting knowledge in the face of adversity and inspire others to great feats and great discoveries. They can set people free, or at least set them on a path to freedom.
Read moreDec 13
This time of the year is wonderful! “The most wonderful time of the year” as a Christmas Carol reminds us.
But, we are usually doing more than usual, probably not sleeping as much, etc. etc. and fuses can get short.
Read moreDec 9
With the Holidays upon us, a lot of us are being invited out and needing that extra little bit of “polish” that perhaps we learnt when children…..or NOT! There is good reason for this polish, to be sure. Why?
Read moreDec 7
Dec 6
Dec 5
Pepsi has been nearly synonymous with cola for more than a century, but it wasn’t always called that.
Read moreNov 29
The story of King George V and his parrot goes as follows: When the future King was serving in the Royal Navy in his youth, he traveled the world. At age 17, he was a midshipman on HMS Bucchante, which docked in Port Said, Egypt. While ashore, the then Prince purchased an African Grey parrot named Charlotte.
Read moreNov 28
The Mail on Sunday reported that Charlotte, rather than Edward will likely receive a coveted title previously held by Prince Philip.
Read moreNov 25
This dear “thank you” note card is available on Shutterfly!
In days gone by, a short and sweet thank you note for a meal well enjoyed or the such, was called a “Bread and Butter Letter”.
Read moreNov 24
On this day we set aside each year to offer thanks and gratitude for all our blessings, we came across a quote that touched our hearts. We hope it might touch yours too.
Read moreNov 22
As you are well aware, Thanksgiving is only couple of days away. And no Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without that iconic and yummiest of sides, mashed potatoes. So today we have a Savvy Secret for making those mashed potatoes to go alongside your turkey. We came across this great idea on Instagram, gave it a try, and want to share it with you, our chums.
Read moreNov 17
Given that his mother and predecessor, Queen Elizabeth II, was the longest-reigning monarch in British history — ruling for over 70 years — it makes sense that Charles III holds the distinction of being both the longest-serving British heir-apparent and the oldest individual to assume the British throne.
Read moreNov 16
On September 8, 2022, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom and its Commonwealth realms.
For the first time in most of their lives, the British found themselves ruled over by a king, with even the words of their national anthem changed — after 70 years of “God Save the Queen” — to reflect the new male monarch. The actual coronation of King Charles III is set to take place on May 6, 2023, with all the pomp and circumstance associated with the British royal family.
Here are a few of his thoughts:
Read moreNov 15
Golly! It is interesting to note what the most used surnames (last names) are in the world!
Read moreNov 14
Everyone seems to receive great advise when it comes to living and eating healthy, from well meaning friends and family and anonymous sources in articles and on television. The problem is, one week something is touted as “the best for you” and a month or so later you hear about all the terrible adverse problems this said “healthy thing” can create.
In the spirit of staying light and keeping a sense of humor, we offer you this today:
Read moreNov 9
King Charles III and Queen Camilla have chosen their respective cyphers to be used on all official communication.
Read moreNov 8
Nov 4
This is a wonderful, funny books for the Littles. If you are not familiar with it, get it! It’s worth sharing with your Littles, for sure.
Read moreNov 3
Goodnight Moon is a very familiar book to most people. It is one of the first books that newborns receive, for sure. And “read” it they do, over and over again!
Read moreNov 3
Some of the most common, most well-known sayings we share are about the idea of home. Whether it’s The Wizard of Oz’s famous “There’s no place like home” or the classic “Home is where the heart is,” home is the subject of so many famous quotes exactly because it is such a difficult concept to pin down.
Read moreNov 2
It’s safe to say that Americans love pizza.
In one 2021 survey, 41% of consumers reported eating at least one slice of pizza every week. Other data indicates that around 350 slices are sold every second — and in 2021, American pizza sales topped $48 billion. But the doughy, saucy, cheesy goodness wasn’t always an American staple. In fact, pizza was around for more than a century before making its way across the Atlantic from Italy.
Read moreNov 1
We are hoping to help you start this new month with a chuckle. If you have a family…and we all do of one kind or another…you know there are those unfortunate incidents or quirky personalities or embarrassing qualities, (or maybe all three of those) you know people outside your family might not understand and you would just as soon keep quiet. We found a pillow with just the reminder your family may need to adobt as a motto…
Read moreOct 31
Everyone loves a fun jack o’lantern on Halloween, but the carving of one can be a challenge. Today we have some tips and a video from Good Housekeeping we think might help you have an easier time.
Read moreOct 28
Oct 27
The next time you want to do something or learn something new and someone tells you that you are “too old” (it might even be you telling yourself that) remember this:
Read moreOct 26
Oct 25
Abraham Lincoln was the ultimate self-made man. Largely self-educated, he rose from the humblest of origins to become a lawyer and politician before being elected President of the United States in 1860.
His unshakeable faith in and devotion to the United States was severely tested during the Civil War, and his savvy leadership ensured the Union’s survival. But his life and legacy were more complicated than history books often present. Explore six intriguing facts about America’s 16th President.
Read moreOct 24
Oct 21
Years before Edgar Allan Poe wrote “The Raven,” Charles Dickens had an actual pet raven.
Read moreOct 19
This is a photo of someone who represents generosity and goodness. You may not know this man or his story and his heart for helping.
Read moreOct 18
Words are wonderful things. They keep us connected, express our thoughts and give our ideas meaning. But sometimes there is confusion about words that sound alike but mean very different things.
Read moreOct 17
This weekend, October 15th, marked the 71st anniversary of the first airing on CBS of one of the favorite TV shows ever made…I Love Lucy. It was an instant success!
Read moreOct 14
…Interesting Facts supplied us with some crazy things!
Read moreOct 13
Interesting Quotes shared with us some valuable tips!
Sometimes the hardest thing in life is letting go of what’s holding you back. It could be a painful situation you have to overcome, the loss of someone you love, the consequences of a poor choice, a deflating job, or even just a negative mindset you can’t shake. We can get stuck in a holding pattern where we focus on the things that we struggle with, and wind up in a cycle of stress, frustration, and sadness.
Read moreOct 11
Monarchs happen to be one of my granddaughter’s school mascot and mighty they are!
No animal on Earth travels quite like the eastern monarch butterfly.
Read moreOct 10
The mere whisper of the name “Orient Express” conjures up luxury, beauty, abundant living!
It started as a dream.
Read moreOct 7
If you’ve been our chum for any amount of time you probably know our regard for Corrie ten Boom and her wonderful autobiographical book The Hiding Place.
Read moreOct 4
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us,” Helen Keller wrote in 1929. Being deaf and blind, she knew well about “closed doors”!
Read moreOct 3
Sep 30
Sep 29
Nearly 250 years after the fabled ride of Paul Revere leading up to the American Revolution battles of Lexington and Concord, many people believe he yelled the phrase, “The British are coming!” along the way — but this would have lacked a lot of subtlety for Revere, who also worked as a spy.
Read moreSep 28
You may think this is just a little boy about to hug a firefighter. But this is an even better story than that. What you are seeing is a wonderful act of kindness.
Read moreSep 27
That’s a good question! Is it named after someone? Here’s what we found out.
Read moreSep 26
With a name that translates to “head of the year”, Rosh Hashanah marks the Jewish celebration of the birth of the universe, the changing of the civil calendar, and the start of the religion’s High Holidays. It runs over two days and started last night.
Read moreSep 23
It has been quite an amazing couple of weeks now beginning with the announcement of the death of The Queen. So to round out our memories and stories of Her Majesty we thought we would leave you with a treat that came directly from her … the Queen’s pancake recipe.
Read moreSep 22
If you know anything about HM The Queen, you are very aware of her deep love for her animals.
This was made evident on Monday when, as her coffin was driven along The Long Walk at Windsor Castle, you could see on the side Emma, her fell pony, standing at attention for her darling Monarch.
Read moreSep 21
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was certainly an amazing lady – full of humility, compassion, love! The past couple of weeks have brought this out so very clearly! If you had any reason to doubt before, you now KNOW!
Here is another little story……
Read moreSep 20
Yesterday at the funeral services for Queen Elizabeth II the world watched and British citizens, along with dignitaries and leaders from all over the world, came to pay their respects and honour the Queen. For little more than 70 years when anyone referred to “The Queen” everyone knew who was being referred to…there were and are many royal monarches in the world but there was only one true “Queen”.
Read moreSep 16
The Queen has made the journey this week from the place of her passing at Balmoral Castle in the Scottish Highlands to where she now lies in state at Westminster Hall in London. Her daughter Anne, The Princess Royal made that journey with her and issued a most touching statement.
Read moreSep 15
Her corgi, HM The Queen and Paddington Bear
We were most touched by a voice over we heard of the Queen and wanted to share the words with you.
Read moreSep 12
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrived yesterday in Edinburgh at the Palace of Holyroodhouse where she will lie in state until this afternoon. There to watch the arrival were 3 of her children, her sons Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward and his wife Sophie Wessex, and her only daughter Anne, The Princess Royal.
Read moreSep 9
Today, your Two Chums are feeling much sadness, and yet at the same time the deepest of gratitude for the example of faithful servanthood, leadership, and duty that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, showed us all through her life and reign as Queen.
Read moreSep 8
Oh yes! There are many stories about the moon being made of cheese! Is there any truth to this and, if not, where did the story come from?
Read moreSep 8
You probably know the legend of William Tell, or at least the gist of it.
Read moreSep 5
You may be familiar with the gentleman pictured here. He is Jon Bon Jovi of the famous rock band known simply as Bon Jovi. And you may be wondering what he has to do with our national celebration today of Labor Day. Labor Day quite simply is a day in which we honor the men and women of the American work force…in other words it is a day to celebrate the achievements of the American worker. Today we are acknowledging and celebrating this man for his contribution, but that contribution may not be the one you think.
Read moreSep 1
It’s a common American Parable: Founding father George Washington got a hatchet as a gift when he was 6 years old and, eager to test out his new tool, he hacked up his father’s cherry tree.
Read moreAug 31
Good for lunch or supper this versatile salad is a simple fix that is filling and satisfying and ever so tasty.
Read moreAug 30
These gardens are amazing as well as the Palace! Which King commissioned the building of this extraordinary Palace?
Read moreAug 29
Ah, Mister Rogers, the wholesome father figure whom generations of kids grew to cherish thanks to his regularly shared nuggets of wisdom. He had so much good advice, in fact, that he filled an entire book with it, called “You Are Special: Words of Wisdom for All Ages From a Beloved Neighbor.”
Read moreAug 26
Chances are when you were a teenage you had a bottle of this in the cupboard that you may have used to “lighten” your hair in the summer.
Read moreAug 25
Aug 24
We found these wonderful, comforting “Inspiring Quotes” and know that you will love them!
Read moreAug 22
Aug 19
Caroline Kubzansky, Chicago TribuneMon, August 15, 2022, 1:00 AM
Read moreAug 18
The most enduring legend about decadent French Queen Marie Antoinette is that when she was told her people didn’t have bread, she coldheartedly replied, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” (“Let them eat cake”).
Read moreAug 17
Aug 16
The King of Rock and Roll that is. Today marks the 45th anniversary of the day the world said goodbye to Elvis. At the age of only 42, Elvis Presley had made an impact on the world that few will make in twice that many years. Thus all these years later he is still regarded and respected as one of the greatest musicians and performers of all time. Maybe even more importantly, at least to him, he is remembered as a good, decent, very generous man.
Read moreAug 15
Aug 12
Was it Henry Ford? Read on to find out…
Read moreAug 11
Everyone knows that Albert Einstein was a genius. He is credited among other things with the world’s most famous equation, E = mc2, also known as the theory of relativity. He is arguably the greatest and best known physicist of all time. But he was also a philosopher of sorts credited with many profound quotes on life and living it.
Read moreAug 10
Not that we are surprised by the disappearance of these jobs, but we find it so interesting to read about the ways in which things had to be done.
Read moreAug 9
Inspiring Quotes says: Maybe you’re aware it’s time to step out of your comfort zone, but you don’t know quite where to start — old habits die hard, after all.
These 13 quotes can help give you that gentle nudge out the proverbial door — and into exciting new territory.
Read moreAug 8
We found this upbeat note on social media and HAD to share!
Read moreAug 4
Aug 3
Aug 1
Most people associate lavender with cleanliness and freshness. But there is more value to this simple flowering plant than you may have known.
Read moreJul 29
Jul 28
Jul 27
This is a subject we never expected to cover but your Two Chums love history and love knowing where things come from or how they originated so this topic is no exception. And besides it is worth a little chuckle to know how the “middle finger salute” came about.
Read moreJul 26
If you know any Italians you know they love their salads almost as much as they love their pasta and their bread. They don’t make a fuss about it they just make it simple and delicious. It just doesn’t get much simpler (or tastier) than today’s Savvy Secret.
Read moreJul 25
We love sharing these little “pearls” and these particular pearls today are all about the National Anthem!
Read moreJul 22
Jul 21
A chum shared this story on social media the other day and we thought it worth passing on as a reminder to always “know your value”.
Read moreJul 20
Jul 19
It is not unusual at all to see hearts on greeting cards or wrapping paper or any number of places around Valentines Day in particular. For many, many years the heart has been the symbol of love. Man made examples are common. But lately we have started to notice “hearts” in unusual and unexpected places.
Read moreJul 18
Shakespeare was a huge fan of the summer season, famously writing, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.”
And here a few quotes from other luminaries regarding summertime.
Read moreJul 14