Happy Birthday, Yosemite!

On this day in 1890, an act of Congress created Yosemite National Park, home of such natural wonders as Half Dome and the giant sequoia trees.
Read moreOct 1
On this day in 1890, an act of Congress created Yosemite National Park, home of such natural wonders as Half Dome and the giant sequoia trees.
Read moreSep 30
Sep 29
Sep 28
We can’t think of a better message or wiser words to start the week off with than these…
Read moreSep 24
Sep 23
Want to keep your lipstick looking wonderful even after you have been wearing a mask?
Read moreSep 21
Sep 17
Sir Isaac Newton accomplished many things in his 84 years on Earth — inventing calculus and discovering the theory of gravity, to name a few —
Read moreSep 15
If you know anything about your Two Chums, you know we love to get and share Savvy Secrets. We have some good ones for you today!
Read moreSep 10
And, speaking of Audrey Hepburn (yesterday’s post) whose first love was ballet, do you think you know where ballet first started? France, maybe Italy or Russia?
Read moreSep 9
When they asked her to reveal her beauty secrets, Audrey Hepburn wrote this beautiful text that was later read at her funeral:
Read moreSep 8
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth.
Read moreSep 7
It’s a fair question since for most people it is just a way to mark the end of summer and the start of a new fall/school season. But beyond the BBQs and family get togethers, why do we celebrate it really?
Read moreSep 4
Sep 3
To say that John Cassabria is an animal lover is an understatement. He grew up surrounded by pets and is currently the proud owner of four dogs, four cats and even a pet snake.
Read moreSep 2
Today marks the 75th anniversary of V-J Day. It was on this day in 1945 that the Japanese signed the surrender document that officially ended WWII.
Read moreAug 31
Are you starting off this week feeling a little down or discouraged? Do you feel stuck in some place in your life? We have a great word for you today!
Read moreAug 28
Aug 27
It is no secret that we live in contentious times. As November 3rd approaches there is no shortage of opinions and feelings about the coming elections.
Read moreAug 25
When I was quite a little girl and visiting London for the first time, my darling father took me to the Regent’s Park Zoo, a wonderful zoo in the middle of London. The very first place he wanted to visit was the ant colony and for a very specific reason.
Read moreAug 21
It is hard to think of Hawaii and not think of it as being a part of the United States.
Read moreAug 19
This beautiful watercolor was painted during an on line class given by an artist your Two Chums have known and admired for years, Eva Marguerite.
Read moreAug 17
Aug 14
Although Friday is the end of the week and, for most people, drives us into the weekend, it still needs fortifying at times. This one is especially lovely.
Read moreAug 13
Want a summer project that you can finish in a few hours and that will brighten your home and your life? We’ve got that!
Read moreAug 12
We are deep into the dog days of summer, and as we’ve said before that tends to mean “we all scream for ice cream”…or in this case, ice cream pie!
Read moreAug 11
This is such a dear story brought to us by Sonya Harris about a very independent dog.
Read moreAug 10
Well, if the phrase that ‘laughter is the best medicine for the soul’ is true, your soul is going to be very healthy after reading this one!
Read moreAug 6
Just looking at this cork topped glass tube you would never know there is a treasure inside.
Read moreAug 5
One of the joys of summer is the sweet juicy produce that one can find in nearly any market. Blueberries are everywhere right now and using them to make this easy 3 ingredient jam will of course be a summer favorite!
Read moreAug 3
What we are sharing here below appeared on a bulletin board in a shop the other day and we knew we had to share it with our chums. As we’ve said many times we think laughter is the best medicine for WHATEVER ails you!
Read moreJul 31
If you love shrimp, we have a wonderful,l quick, easy, and foolproof way for making it today!
Read moreJul 30
Today we have yet another TV show recommendation for you. OK we aren’t pretending to be Siskel and Ebert, but we believe this is a program you will truly enjoy.
Read moreJul 29
In summer we are always looking for something to make for dinner that is quick, easy, and most importantly, really tasty. This chicken bowl will fill the bill.
Read moreJul 28
Jul 27
Jul 24
Something we found interesting came to our attention this week. While we are all hunkered down at home during the current pandemic, people are in their kitchens and cooking more than ever. It turns out they are turning to the internet for recipes. And can you guess what the #1 recipe searched for on the internet is?……..banana bread!
Read moreJul 23
Jul 22
This is a wonderful story that we read on social media and felt compelled to share it with you, our dear chums.
Read moreJul 21
[Courtesy of Quiz Daily]
Start your engines: Ferruccio Lamborghini, the founder and namesake of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A., didn’t always make cars.
Read moreJul 20
In what could easily fulfill that famous wedding rhyme that begins “something old, something new” Princess Beatrice was married to Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi Friday morning at The Royal Chapel of All Saints in Windsor, wearing one of her grandmother’s dresses and her wedding tiara.
Read moreJul 17
If you own a Le Creuset or other heavy enameled pan or Dutch oven, you know that over time and with much use they become very discolored. I came across what looked like a great solution on Pinterest and thought it would be a wonderful idea to share it.
Read moreJul 15
The age old children’s rhythm “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream” could well have been penned for this delicious and oh so easy delight…Fresh Homemade Raspberry Ice Cream!
Read moreJul 14
Jul 13
“After I became president,” Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying, “I asked one day some members of my close protection team to stroll with me in the city and have lunch at one of its restaurants. We sat in one of the downtown restaurants and all of us asked for some sort of food. After a while, the waiter brought us our requests, I noticed that there was someone sitting in front of my table waiting for food. I told then one of the soldiers to go and ask that person to join us with his food and eat with us. The soldier went and asked the man so. The man brought up his food and sat by my side as I asked and began to eat. His hands were trembling constantly until everyone had finished their food and the man went.
“The soldier said to me: The man was apparently quite sick. His hands trembled as he ate!””No, not at all”, said Mandela.”This man was the guard of the prison where I was jailed. Often, after the torture I was subjected to, I used to scream and ask for a little water. The very same man used to come every time and [torture me more] instead. So I found him scared, trembling, expecting me to reciprocate now, at least in the same way, either by torturing him or imprisoning him as I am now the president of the state of South Africa.
“But this is not my character nor part of my ethics.
“The mentality of retaliation destroys states, while the mentality of tolerance builds nations.”
What brilliant words of love and forgiveness Mandela shared and how we all can learn from them.
Jul 10
All of us seem to watching more TV these days while at home more than we’re used to being. If you are anything like your Two Chums you are probably always on the lookout for something interesting, or uplifting, to watch on television.
Read moreJul 9
In the last few weeks, it seems that words of the heart come to mind constantly. Here are some powerful thoughts which were shared by Amy Baker.
Read moreJul 8
Try this as a tasty refreshing summer treat.
Read moreJul 7
Nastia Liukin was 18 when she won five medals in the 2008 Olympic Games, including a gold medal for the women’s all-around gymnastics competition.
The athlete, television personality and NBC Sports analyst, now 30, credits her parents, world champion gymnasts Valeri Liukin and Anna Kotchneva, for much of her success.
Read moreJul 6
Jul 3
If you plan to be outdoors tomorrow in celebration of July 4th, Independence Day, you can plan on being “independent” of mosquitos with this Savvy Secret!
Read moreJul 2
Things have certainly changed over the last several months. One of the biggest changes is wearing masks whenever we leave our homes. Do you miss seeing other’s expressions whenever you are out? Or wish others could see yours?
Read moreJul 1
We received this rather wonderful note which was written by Max Lucado and felt you would all love hearing it and perhaps practicing it.
Read moreJun 30
We DO love our Savvy Secrets and we especially love to share them. This one might just help us along during this period of keeping to ourselves.
Read moreJun 29
Oh, how your Two Chums LOVE sharing good news! This is a story we read which was written by a very happy Robert Hartwell last week.
Read moreJun 26
Jun 25
Jun 24
This week, more than ever, we are feeling the need to spread love. This is a beautiful story we saw ….
Read moreJun 23
We find that it is important to discipline ourselves to look for the good…
…which side are you going to look today?
With love,
Jun 22
Certainly, in these times more than ever, we need to share our love, speak from the heart. Here are a few Savvy Secrets along those lines.
Read moreJun 19
This Sunday is the day set aside in celebration of those very important men…fathers. We think that dads deserve a big shout out and certainly deserve some love this Father’s Day. One of the things we have been hearing over and over during this time of trouble and unrest in our country is that much of it stems from a lack of fathers in the home. We don’t always value them the way we should so this Sunday is a chance to tell those men in our lives who are fathers or father figures what a difference they make.
Read moreJun 16
He was visiting America. It is said that he was sitting, resting, when he heard a woman screaming.
Read moreJun 15
Jun 12
The Bible tells us to be childlike….not to be confused with being childish. We think this is because often children see things so much more clearly and simply than adults who, sometimes, can unnecessarily complicate what should be simple.
Read moreJun 11
LOVE! Not always the easiest thing to demonstrate but there is a deep necessity to do one’s best!
Read moreJun 10
This photograph was taken last week in honour of the 99th birthday of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. I think you will all agree with us that he looks amazing!
Read moreJun 9
These breadsticks are just so easy, and better still, just so yummy, you’ll be making them again and again and again we’re sure!!!
Read moreJun 8
Certainly, the name Dale Carnegie is a well known one…one that is known, amongst other things, for wonderful presentation and knowing how best to get things across to another. Here are a few of his suggestions:
Read moreJun 5
It’s been a tough week all the way around. We think a little comfort is in order. On a list of comfort foods, donuts, much less freshly home made donuts, would have to make the Top 10 right? And these are not only easy, easy, easy to make, but so yummy and with a bonus of being gluten free!
Read moreJun 3
This is the most simple but profound explanation of what will make things better in the days ahead.
Read moreJun 2
This bit of humor came to us from one of our chums. We thought you could maybe use a little chuckle…aka “medicine” for whatever ails you today 🙂
Read moreMay 29
May 27
As those of you know who know Two Chums, we are all about the act of being grateful! We found these wonderful quotes on AZ Quotes and want to share them with you!
Read moreMay 26
Need something today to put a smile on your face or in your heart? We’ve got that!
Read moreMay 25
May 22
Ina Garten, one of the best cooks we know of, shared this fabulous cake recipe with us and we are sharing it with you!
Read moreMay 21
Yesterday we gave you a yummy recipe for a Mexican meatball soup. Today we are going elsewhere to another part of the world to sample a Thai meatball soup…Khao Tom..also VERY yummy and also gluten free!
Read moreMay 20
Some think of soup as a cool or cold weather food. But we drink hot coffee and tea in all four seasons and eat ice cream all year round as well, so why not eat soup in all seasons…especially if it is one as yummy as this one is? And this is a gluten free soup too!!!
Read moreMay 18
May 14
May 13
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth.
Read moreMay 12
On May 12, 1907, Katharine Hepburn was born in Hartford, Connecticut. Due to her performances in such films as The Philadelphia Story and On Golden Pond, Katherine became one of the most celebrated actresses of the 20th century.
Read moreMay 8
VE Day is otherwise known as “Victory in Europe Day” and commemorates the day towards the end of the Second World War when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. This took place 75 years ago today and was cause for great rejoicing.
Read moreMay 7
May 6
May 5
Today is Cinco de Mayo. Some years ago on Cinco de Mayo we shared our favorite traditional guacamole recipe with our chums. Today we have a new one to share. A spicy guacamole known as Guacamole Con Chiles Toreados.
Read moreMay 4
On May 4, 1929, Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston was born near Brussel, Belgium. “Whom”, you might ask, “is Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston?” Any guesses – you all know her!
Read moreMay 1
We found this on social media and so chances are, some of you have already read it but it was one of those important things that we HAD TO SHARE!
Read moreApr 30
You may or may not have seen these on social media but we wanted to make sure you see them! They are very fun!
Read moreApr 29
Your Two Chums have thought a lot about what we can learn from this time of “sheltering in place” because if we do not come out on the other side having learned something, it has all been for naught!
Read moreApr 28
Unless you happen to be Chinese, you probably have no idea who this woman is. In China, she is a huge internet star.
Read moreApr 24
Don’t you LOVE the phrase? A FLAMBOYANCE of flamingos! Yes, that is the term one may use when speaking of a group of these wonderfully colored creatures. This is not the only term used but read on to find out all about this distinguished regiment of birds!
Read moreApr 23
This past Tuesday, April 21, was the 94th birthday of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, or as you more likely know her, HRH Queen Elizabeth II.
Read moreApr 22
Apr 21