Posts tagged ‘Sir Winston Churchill’
Jan 24
Nov 30
Happy Birthday, Sir Winston!
Our gratitude continues into this week (and forever, for that matter) and, today being the day that Sir Winston Churchill was born, 141 years ago, we are celebrating his life and feeling immensely grateful for all that he did for the world. Read more
Apr 21
Been Discouraged? – Press On
“Opportunity…it often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.” – Napoleon Hill We’ve all had set backs or been discouraged as we pursued our callings of one kind or another. Here are some folks who overcame their discouragement and pressed on.
Jun 17
Never Give In – Just Let Go Chapter 5
When we say “Never Give In”, we mean it in the context that Sir Winston Churchill did when he said, “Never give in–never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Instead, “Just Let Go”.
Jun 7
Certainly, one of the greatest figures of our time was Winston Churchill. Not only did Sir Winston have great vision and staying power, which helped to lead parts of the Western World out of Naziism, but he also had a great wit and could easily laugh at himself as well as others.
Feb 16
A Note From Lady Churchill
Because my darling father was an international banker, I had the absolute pleasure of travelling the world and living in many different countries. We lived in Trinidad and Hong Kong, New York and London, and finally, Nassau, Bahamas. I would take on accents by osmosis. Being Canadian, we would return to Canada in the summertime and our relatives would always know where we were living by the way I was talking. It offered me an amazing education. I met so many interesting people and what it taught me was that we are all the same, the world over, having the basic need of being able to love and being loved.