There are some serious subjects out there that we need to be aware of with regard to our children and protecting our young ones. Still, sometimes someone comes along and calls out the humor in a situation or issue. We came across this quote on social media and thought this was one of those times.
This photo is of my mother who is 90 years old, tiny to be sure, and generally very dignified but she still knows how to play. At the request of my granddaughter, (her great granddaughter), she put on my little granddaughter’s princess costume and it fit! She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and burst into peels of laughter. Immediately, we all burst out laughing as well. What a classic moment! –Robin
Doesn’t matter who you are, it is always important to be able to laugh at yourself when you accidentally do something funny or if someone catches you in an unintended funny pose while taking a photo. This photo is an example of that. We have another one to share as well. It too is a doozy!