Only One Word!

We have only one word to share with you today!
Read moreJun 4
May 8
We trust that your week is going really well with lots of laughter, lots of love and lots of understanding and compassion.
Read moreDec 19
As these precious days flow on, let’s be sure to remember why we celebrate Christmas and the true meaning.
Read moreDec 13
The Holidays can be a lot on everyone and sometimes it doesn’t take much to put us “over the edge”, so to speak. You are not alone – to be sure.
Here are some wonderful quotes to keep you on “full”!
Read moreDec 1
Who doesn’t love a good riddle? Share these ones with you Littles, and Bigs, for that matter!
Read moreNov 29
French actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) had boundless zest for her craft. In 1905, when her traveling production of “La Tosca” stopped in Rio de Janeiro, the 61-year-old ensured a memorable finale by spontaneously leaping from a parapet.
Read moreJun 23
There is just one thing we would like to remind you of as we all roll into this weekend . . .
Read moreFeb 8
Joy does not arrive with a fanfare, on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee, watching the sun hit your favourite tree, just right.
Read moreDec 2
As the Christmas song reminds us “This is the happiest time of the year.” And in general that is so very true for most people, even those who don’t celebrate Christmas. There is a spirit of joy that is present and can be felt by even the most sour Scrooge.
Read moreOct 18
Dec 23
Dec 3
Jul 6
Apr 8
Well, if you answered, “Yes” to the titular question, you got it wrong!
Read moreJan 8
Dec 20
Dec 4
Nov 18
Any of you who have known Two Chums for a while know that one of our favorite subjects is the subject of gratitude. Certainly, we feel, the more gratitude, the richer the life.
Read moreSep 24
Jul 25
Jun 27
Mar 21
There has been much talk lately about the Kondo cleaning out with joy method and, certainly, we feel strongly that there is a lot to be said for it. Read more
Jan 7
Dec 25
Dec 12
Nov 28
Oct 8
Aug 27
Start your week off knowing… Read more
Aug 16
Jun 18
Jun 11
Here we are….again…. at the beginning of a new week. Now THIS week, please don’t forget Read more
Dec 13
It seems with all of the hustle and the bustle of this time of year, things can get pretty crazy Read more
Sep 12
As you know, your Two Chums are all about more love, more joy, more abundant living! Read more
Mar 30
Mar 28
Well, we feel that a wonderful medicine is laughter and so, with the help of many fine people, thought we would provide you with some…
Mar 20
Paul Burrell was quoted in an interview with the Mirror as saying, “Buckingham Palace is a village, a world of its own. The cherry on the cake is Her Majesty at the top of it all.” Read more
Mar 6
Yes, Lent has indeed started but we came across a wonderful list that we just HAD to share. Read more
Feb 28
Lay-zEh leh bAwn taw rOO-leh! Today is the day! Yes, today IS the day! Read more
Jan 3
No, this is not a reversal of yesterday’s Sweet Beginnings post. It is simply a bit of a play on words. Read more
Jun 7
What is happiness anyway? And where does it come from? Other people? Read more
Jan 1
Dec 16
With just over a week until Christmas day, we feel impelled to remind you to take a moment to …. Read more
Nov 5
Aug 11
In 1994, Mississippi couple Sherry and Craig Blackledge, adoptive parents to a little boy, adopted an 18-month-old girl named Brooke. It was then that Sherry decided to write a simple but sweet letter she would give to Brooke, on her wedding day. Now, more than 20 years later, right before Brooke walked down the aisle to marry boyfriend Tyler Zugg, she finally read the letter.
May 18
A fast-food joint isn’t exactly a place where you’d expect to have your heart warmed, but, last week, Ridge Quarles proved us all wrong. Read more
Apr 9
Jul 29
AMAZING! Read more
Jul 10
Jul 3
Yes, go stun the world! Read more
May 15
Oct 10
Those of you who knew my mother, Ruth, know that my pet name for her is Sugarplum – and what a Sugarplum she was and continues to be… my heart.
Jun 27
As I walked through my laundry room not long ago I saw two pairs of pink Crocs sitting by the back door. One belonged to my daughter, Amanda, and the other to her youngest daughter, Evangeline. There they were, a picture of exactly what was happening day in and day out…little feet were following in the footsteps of the bigger ones and Evangeline was actually, in so many ways, becoming a mini version of her mommy. Read more
Dec 25
Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing.
May 17
We have talked a lot this week about being sure to hold onto your joy throughout the weeks and months leading up to your wedding and today we are really stressing that point as, inevitably, some things will go “sideways”, as they say, and you want to be in a position, emotionally, to handle those moments well. Read more
May 14
Getting engaged, for most people, is synonymous with joy. Everything about the occasion is joyous! How he actually asked you, the beauty of your ring, the idea of planning a wedding, and on and on. Oh, what an absolutely happy time it is and yes, it is really important to hold onto that joy. Read more
May 7
It has been said that “laughter is the best medicine” and that is certainly true with the wonderful job of Motherhood. Read more
Feb 9
My dear chum,
“To write a good love letter, you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say and to finish without knowing what you have written.”
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Printed cards that one buys certainly have their place, and sometimes say exactly what you are feeling, but hand written notes from the heart are probably the most cherished gifts one could receive. There is no better way to tell someone how you feel about them – start writing and just let it flow. It will be felt, deep into the soul of the receiver. Read more
Feb 1
It seems quite fitting to us that our first entry as we establish our home on the World Wide Web would be on the subject of hospitality. It is what we are all about. Hospitality is one of those things that you may not have a snappy definition for, yet you know it when you see it, (or feel it), and when you don’t.
On the surface entertaining and hospitality can seem very much the same, yet they are really totally different. Entertaining is focused on drawing attention to the host or hostess, and how wonderfully and beautifully she (or he) can do things. Hospitality is focused on one’s guests, and doing things beautifully in order that they will feel special.
How many times have you heard someone on television, who was cooking or decorating or making something for a party say, “Now this will really impress your guests!” Our culture is bombarded by messages that we need to do things well so others will think more highly of us.
We all hear and read tips on entertaining. The shelves in the bookstores are full of books on the subject and there are endless websites that are dedicated to helping you entertain. We are not one of them.
Two Chums is all about excellence and doing things well, and when we extend an invitation, we want our guests to see that things are beautifully done, and much time has been given to preparation, because they are special and worth our time and efforts. As you visit us each day we will be sharing with you things we’ve learned along the way in our homes with our families about love, joy and abundant living that is within everyone’s reach. We will share about the parties and celebrations we are having, about home decor projects and things we’ve learned about the art of gift giving. And of course some thoughts from our hearts.
Mother Theresa said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Making others feel wanted and welcome, showing hospitality, is one of those small things we all can do with great love.
So though you may never actually visit the houses where we live, we want to invite you to visit our Two Chums home everyday. We will do our best to prepare for you because we care, and we want you to know we think you are worth our time and effort.
Welcome to Two Chums!