The Joy of Growing Herbs
This week all of our posts will be about herbs in one way or another. Today we want to talk about how to grow herbs. Growing herbs is not hard at all, in fact a child can do it. My 8 year old grandson, Jeremy, actually planted the parsley plant pictured here on my kitchen window sill. He started the plant from seeds in a little dixie cup and as they sprouted and began to grow, we transfered them to this terra cotta pot. In he walked, one day after school, and beaming he announced, “Lolli (my grandma name) this is for you. I planted some parsley and I wanted you to have it because you love to cook and I thought you would really like to have it in your kitchen.” He was so excited and I was so proud of him. There is something very satisfying, no matter what your age, about putting some seeds in the dirt, adding some water and in a few days watching the little sprouts pop their heads up out of the soil looking for some rays of sunlight. I love Jeremy and I love having this special reminder of him in my kitchen greeting me every morning.
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