Who Said So?

Etiquette is not something you learn about and act upon for no reason. It is clearly something that will keep you straight and feeling a part of things in a good way.
Read moreSep 22
Etiquette is not something you learn about and act upon for no reason. It is clearly something that will keep you straight and feeling a part of things in a good way.
Read moreDec 9
With the Holidays upon us, a lot of us are being invited out and needing that extra little bit of “polish” that perhaps we learnt when children…..or NOT! There is good reason for this polish, to be sure. Why?
Read moreJul 14
May 24
According to Maureen MacKay, a Florida-based etiquette expert has a bone to pick when it comes to many Americans’ eating habits.
Read moreJan 30
For anyone who wants to know which fork to use when or how to write a thank you note and how to introduce a Duchess to your best friend, get this book!
Read moreDec 28
Your Two Chums are all about “etiquette” (just another word for social rules or boundaries) and feel badly that this word conjures up a horrible feeling in a lot of people. A feeling of, “what on earth do we need that for?”, or “I don’t know anything about the proper etiquette so let’s get rid of having to use it.” Read more
Jul 21
Apr 27
No, it is not Catherine’s “slant” on life we are talking about. It has more to do with the way Her Royal Highness sits. Read more
Dec 8
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, aka William and Catherine, have arrived! Read more
Apr 30
“Dear Chums,
My son balks at taking his hat off when sitting down to a meal. What is your feeling on this subject?” Read more
Apr 8
The dental hygienist who has cleaned my teeth for years recently lost her son.” Read more
Mar 6
Mind your manners, sounds like it is coming from a rigid Third Grade teacher with a stick in hand. On the contrary, one of the most loving things parents can do is to teach their children good manners. It will help them to be successful on the playground, in the classroom, throughout college, in the workplace and in all of their relationships.
I am sure we have all met children with especially good manners. What a delight they are to be around and how charming they sound! They stand out in contrast to those who have not been taught good manners. Read more
Feb 3
{Photo by Lillian Bassman for Harper’s Bazaar 1950}
etiquette [et-i-kit, -ket] : noun
1. conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.
2. a prescribed or accepted code of usage in matters of ceremony, as at a court or in official or other formal observances.
3. the code of ethical behavior regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other: medical etiquette.
This word, etiquette, seems to scare people a little bit but, in fact, we find that having a knowledge of acceptable etiquette makes us feel very comfortable where ever we may find ourselves. Your Two Chums absolutely LOVE etiquette books and are constantly looking something up to make sure they are on a good track.
Never be afraid to ask a friend an “etiquette question”. Please contact us if we can help you! Just click the “Dear Chums” button and question away! It will be our pleasure to help you.