Store your bags here!
What to do with all of those plastic bags that you receive when buying different items at the store? We have found this wonderful way to store them!
A lot of times when you see something like this at a store, you think twice about whether to buy it as, oftentimes, they do not work as well as they are touted to work. Well, we can vouch for this one. It is a great way to store your bags and an easy way to get to them when you need to reuse them. They are made by Simple Human and can be found here. You simply mount it on a door or wall and there you are – your bags are ready and waiting for you.
Simple Human makes another very nifty, user friendly item that I can vouch for.
It is a soap dispenser which you can use with one hand. You simply place the liquid soap in the can and then push the top down to release the soap. I have them at our kitchen sink and the sink in our laundry room. They are really helpful and DO work! You can find one here. They also make a “sensor” pump which, apparently, sends out soap when you put your hand underneath the spout. I have not tried that one so can only really recommend the one on which you push down. If any one of you has tried the sensor one, we would love to hear if it really does do what they say it is going to do.
These are a couple of inexpensive ideas that will make your lives easier – more abundant, more joyous!

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