Start Your Year With, You Guessed It……Gratitude!
As you no doubt know, your Two Chums feel that the expression of gratitude in life …….
……makes for a wonderful life!
In fact, we find it so very important that it is our “go to” feeling whenever things don’t seem to be going the way we think they should be going.
As we have mentioned before, if you have not already done so, start a “gratitude book”. Jot down ideas in that book every day, if you can. If you cannot write them down each day, at least bring them to mind each and every day – things you are grateful for. You will see, the more you do this, the fuller your lives will become.
As a matter of fact, I am extremely grateful for my daughter-in-law, Anouska, who is celebrating a birthday today. Anouska, I celebrate you today and every day and am extremely grateful to have you in my life! Happy Birthday!
P.S. And to that I will add a great big AMEN!!! We all love and celebrate you 🙂

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A very joyous birthday to you, dear Anouska. Enjoy the love & gratitude of your family today and every day.