Silver Paper
Ever wonder why, when you go to get some silver foil paper, the whole roll falls out of the box?
Your Two Chums just found out! (And, we are willing to admit that perhaps we are the last to find out!)
At both ends of the box of silver foil, as well as saran wrap, there is a mark to “press in”. When you press in on these marks, they land in the middle of the role, thus holding the role in the box when you go to rip!
Hope this was not old news to all of you. We have found it really helpful!
Yes, you guessed it – more joy!

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You are not the last! And why no Reynolds Wrap?
Of course, “Reynolds” wrap!
After all these years and too many freak outs over the stupid aluminum foil manufacturers, the solution has been printed on the box all this time? Just there for the reading? Why, oh why was it not shown in a commercial?
We AGREE! Crazy! Unless they just did it recently!
Any similar solutions to plastic wrap? Especially the sticky stuff?
Yes, we believe that you will find that you can do the same things with the plastic wraps i.e. push in the ends to hold the roll.