Signs Of Love

It is not unusual at all to see hearts on greeting cards or wrapping paper or any number of places around Valentines Day in particular. For many, many years the heart has been the symbol of love. Man made examples are common. But lately we have started to notice “hearts” in unusual and unexpected places.
We have decided to share the “hearts’ we find as those surprises we weren’t expecting because your Two Chums believe they are “angel messages” that God sends to remind us of His love for us. They are like little love notes that when we are hurried or distracted we might miss. But when we begin to look for them, we will see them often and everywhere. Here is an example that showed up just the other day when I was having a hard time over something.

Finding this heart there in a piece of bread was a sweet reminder that God is so creative in His desire to remind us of His love for us, He can and does use something as simple and mundane as a piece of bread to whisper quietly that we are loved. Here’s the crazy thing. I checked… the next piece of bread in the loaf did not have a heart in it. He not only created a heart in the bread He put it in exactly the piece He knew ahead of time that I would take. On a difficult day this simple thing made me smile to realize the lengths my Heavenly Father would go to in order to send that “angel message” of His love for me that He knew I needed to have.
Start looking. We think you’ll find your own messages and reminders in all sorts of places. And please, by all means share them with us.
More love, more joy….that is the definition of abundant living.

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Gotta love those ‘God winks,’ and also must have the eyes to see them. Thanks for reminding us to keep watch! Hugs from afar, Jen