Shhhh! Savvy Secrets With Bounce!
Again, a dear friend, Hilary, sent us these Bounce Savvy Secrets which we are thrilled to share with all of you.
1. Do you have unwanted ants, mice OR MOSQUITOES, that you cannot get rid of? A sheet of Bounce will do the trick. Put a sheet on the counter for the ants or mice and in your belt loop or tucked into your hat for mosquitoes. Golfers, put a sheet in your back pocket to keep the bees away.
2. Are you books that you do not open often becoming a little smelly? Put a sheet of Bounce in the book and it will take care of the odor.
3. Are you annoyed by static cling on your television, computer screen or Venetian Blinds? Wipe them with a sheet of Bounce and there goes that static cling, right out of the window! Having wiped with Bounce, it will keep dust from resettling.
4. Do you find that your shower doors accumulate soap scum? Clean them with a sheet of Bounce!
5. Need an air freshener? Place a sheet of Bounce in drawer or hang in the coat closet.
6. Does you thread tangle when doing a bit of sewing? Run the threaded needle through a sheet of Bounce before beginning to sew.
7. Storing your luggage after a fun trip? Put a sheet of Bounce in each suitcase to keep it fresh.
8. Baked-on foods hard to clean from a cooking pan? Put a sheet in the pan, fill with water, let sit overnight and then sponge clean in the morning. The anti-static agent, apparently, weakens the bond between the food and the pan.
9. Does your dog or cat shed and leave hard-to-collect hair on the carpet? If you rub the area with a sheet of Bounce, it will magnetically attract all the loose hairs.
10. Do you have a mess of sawdust after drilling or sand papering? A used sheet of Bounce will collect the sawdust in no time.
11. Do you find that your laundry hamper gets a musty smell? Place a sheet of Bounce in the bottom.
12. Having a problem with smelly shoes or sneakers? Place a sheet of Bounce in them overnight.
13. Does your car gather hard=to-remove bugs as you are driving? Wet a sheet of Bounce, hose down your car and then wipe off those bugs easily!
So, besides being good in your dryer, Bounce has a whole lot of jobs! Let us know how you are able to use Bounce!
All of this adds to the love, joy and abundant living that we experience!

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I have to say that I have tried many of these and found they really work which is why when I saw a listing somewhere of other items, I was ready to try them! We love and have used the one to repel ants and mosquitoes. My husband is a mosquito magnet and so we always travel with bounce in ziplock bags for him to use when we hike. I have several times used Bounce to clean really baked on food in a casserole dish or roasting pan and swear by that one. And I have tried it for static cling and for cleaning shower doors. For me, the scent is so strong that I wouldn’t want my luggage smelling like that but I would definitely prefer that to smelling musty if I lived in a wet climate! Thanks ladies for all your helpful tips, recipes and other fun information. Love the smiling, cheery approach to all of life too…
Thanks so much, Hilary!