Savvy Secrets -Which One?
When you walk the aisles of the grocery store and see all the choices of cooking oils are you sometimes overwhelmed by all the choices and wonder what each might be good for? Are there just too many to choose from so you just default to buying the one or two you know because it is just easier? You might be missing out on elevating your cooking to the next level simply because you don’t know when or how to use a particular type of oil.
We came across this chart from Cooks illustrated that will help us clear up when and how to use all those different types of oils. Something as simple as a switch of ingredients could take that dish you love to make to next level and this chart could help you do it.

In addition here are some other oils not covered in this Cooks illustrated chart:

Now you can shop armed with an understanding of how each oil is best used. Be a little adventurous and give one or two of these you’ve never used before a try. Little adventures, even in cooking, can add some fun and more enjoyment to your cooking and eating. As always, here’s to more love, joy and abundant living!

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