Savvy Secrets – Travel Well
Well, we are sure that we can all use tips to help us travel well. Here, we have some for you which have been shared by various airline personnel who obviously do it all the time. Yes, the people who fly the skies for a living are considered the experts in this field! These are from an article by Rachel Gillett and Samantha Lee.
- When needing to touch up your clothes and no iron to do do (or no time), use your flat iron. It will do the trick for touch up.
- To get the best service from the flight personnel, sit near the back. Apparently, they are more likely to help you when you are in the back. When they get a call from the front and venture up there with the item requested, other people on the way back to the galley see the article and also desire it. They have a finite amount of everything on board so might run out.
- Don’t sleep on sheets that do not have creases from being folded. Someone else has slept on them.
- Use the pants’ hanger with the clips to clip the draperies together. This way, the light will not come pouring in before you wish to rise.
- Don’t travel with a bad cold as it could really damage your ear drums.
- Babies usually are in the bulkhead as this is the only place a parent can safely secure a bassinet. While we adore babies, sometimes they have a hard time traveling and, especially on a long flight where you feel you might need to get some sleep, get a seat further away from the bulkhead (with the added premium of when we mentioned in Number 2).
- To get through customs quickly, pay for the global entry. It is totally worth it.
- Roll your clothes to pack. It really does save space and keeps them looking good.
- To resist jet lag try to get on the new time as soon as you land. Don’t keep looking at your watch and saying “It is 3 in the morning my time!”. This will just make it worse.
- The first and last things you need to pack on any trip are love and joy. Sounds crazy but be sure to pack them.
Bon voyage!

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