Savvy Secrets Of Halloween

Everyone loves a fun jack o’lantern on Halloween, but the carving of one can be a challenge. Today we have some tips and a video from Good Housekeeping we think might help you have an easier time.
And here are some great Savvy Secrets for your
Halloween pumpkin:
- Rub the inside of your hollowed out pumpkin with Vaseline to protect it from withering s quickly.
- Cut the opening of your pumpkin from the bottom of the pumpkin instead of the top You can just place the candle on the ground where it won’t wobble or tip and place your pumpkin over the candle.
- Cut a small hole in the top of the pumpkin to act as a chimney and allow the smoke from the flame to escape.
- rub the inside of your pumpkin with cinnamon and the jack o’ lantern will smell like pumpkin pie
Happy Halloween dear chums!

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