Savvy Secrets From Your Pantry
As you all know, we love to share Savvy Secrets and invite you, always, to share yours with us to pass along. Recently, we were given these Savvy Secrets using things from one’s pantry from our chum Hilary. Although we have not tried them, we feel sure they will be helpful to one and all!
1. Need to dry your nail polish? Use Pam cooking spray. It will do the trick.
2. Heard that someone in your child’s classroom has lice? Mayonnaise will kill lice and it will also condition your hair.
3. Need more shine in your hair? Use brewed tea.
4. Stayed out in the sun too long and have a bit of a burn? Pour tea into your bath water and soak for a while.
5. Can’t get the sticky label off of the bottom of your new glassware? Peanut butter will do the trick!
6. Did you burn your tongue? Put some sugar on it.
7. Someone has a bee sting? Put some meat tenderizer on it.
8. Ouch! A paper cut? Crazy Glue to the rescue!
9. You are a nursing mother with sore nipples? Use Chapstick or a wet tea bag on them.
10. You have paint or grease on your hands? Pam will remove them.
11. Need to dye some paint? Use Kool-Aid.
12. Need some finger paint for your children? Easy! Kool Aid in plain yoghurt is great finger paint. The children will love it and it will not hurt them if they eat it!
13. Oh dear – scratches on your CD? Peanut butter on a coffee filter will fix them.
14. Your bicycle chain is sticking and you have no WD40? Use Pam non-stick cooking spray.
Great ideas – thanks so much for sharing them!
All these add to the joy of abundant lives!

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You Chums really like your Pam!! Love see tips… Never would have thought of the KoolAid & yogurt finger paint!