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Savvy Secrets – For The Garden

Savvy Secrets

Now is the time of year when those who enjoy working in their gardens are planting new greenery and flowers and veggies to enjoy all summer long. We’ve got a simple Savvy Secret for you today to help keep your garden greener and more lush.

Most sites agree that 1 tablespoon of sugar is about the right amount to out into each planting hole to benefit the plants. they mostly agree that the sugar helps the microbes around the plant’s roots to grow and flourish. It’s these microbes that break down the soil and the soil’s nutrients available for the roots of the plant to take up. So it isn’t the sugar directly that affects the plants but rather the microbes that get the benefit from the sugar and then the plants get the benefits fro the strengthened microbes and their work in the soil. Some people insist that adding sugar to tomato plants increases the sweetness of the tomatoes. It is certainly worth a try.

Epsome salts is composed of magnesium sulfate, two elements crucial to plant growth. The use of Epsom salts has been passed down for generations and used mostly on tomatoes, peppers and roses but also on other flowering plants as well. Some people put a handful or a spoonful of the Epsom salts right into the planting hole. You can also follow up with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts to 1 gallon of water a few times more throughout the season.

There you have it. This certainly seems simple enough to do and is an easy and inexpensive way to feed your plants and see healthier and greener results. After reading about this technique on various garden sites… (a special “thank you” to, your Two Chums will be breaking out the sugar and Epsom salts in the hopes of some lovely results in the garden. How about you?

Jackie and Robin

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