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Savvy Secrets for Outdoor Entertaining

A few helpful hints today for that wonderful American past time, “Cooking on the Barbecue”.  I remember when I lived in London, barbecuing was unheard of.  But here in America, at the time, and indeed now, it was going on every weekend in every backyard in America!

Here are a few “Savvy Secrets” to help make outdoor entertaining even better.

1.  Before putting your meat on the barbecue, brush some oil on the grill  so that the meat does not stick.

2.  How to tell if your meat is done? Obviously, a meat thermometer is the best thing to use but if you do not have one in your kitchen, follow these simple, helpful guidelines:

With your hand wide open if the meat feels like this part of your hand, it is rare.

With your thumb tucked close to your other fingers, if the meat feels like this part of your hand, it is medium.

When you make a fist, if the meat feels like this part of your hand, it is well done.

3.  Want to know how much gas is left in your tank?  Pour some boiling water over the tank.  Where the tank is empty it will feel hot but where it begins to feel cool is where gas is still left in your tank.  The gas will keep the outside of the tank cool.  This way you can determine where on the tank is the level of gas still in it.



4.  If you are diet conscious and do not want to eat the skin on your chicken, cook the chicken with the skin on as it keeps the good juices inside.  Take the skin off when the chicken is cooked, add a little sauce or marinade and cook a bit longer until the chicken is slightly browned.


5.  Most people love to put some sort of sauce on their meat.  Let the meat cook almost totally before putting on your sauce.  This lets the smokey barbecue flavor penetrate the meat without the sauce burning on the grill.  Put sauce on at the end for the last 10-15 minutes of cooking.

6.Use popsicle sticks to distinguish the medium-rare burgers from the well-done ones.

7. Create a beachy feel to your party by filling buckets with sand and sunflowers.

8. Thick comfortable cushions on chairs will encourage your guests to linger around the table longer.


9. Repurpose indoor furniture for outdoor use to create an “outdoor room”.  A cot with some pillows can even serve as a settee.

10. Twinkling lights strung from a fence to a tree provides a decorative canopy and extra light when the sun goes down.

Polish up your hospitality, invite some friends over, get outside and enjoy two great American past times…eating and talking. Spread the love, joy and abundant living!

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