Savvy Secrets for Brides
We have put together a few Savvy Secrets for Brides but a lot of these pertain to anyone who is hosting an event. Enjoy!
- Once your make-up has been done, be sure to drink through a straw so as not to mess up your lipstick.
- If you can possibly talk your fiancé into having a manicure, do it! It will make for super photos of your wedding bands.
- Be sure to eat something before your walk down the aisle. Your dress will most certainly still fit and you will not be feeling faint! If someone is kind enough to offer to bring food and drinks to your “getting ready” spot, ask them to bring drinks with no color e.g. water or 7-up and bite sized food.
- Have your eyebrows done a week before your wedding. You will be glad you did.
- The old beauty pageant trick. Put Vaseline on your teeth. It will make you smile easily and more naturally.
- When buying your dress, if your dress has a bustle, make sure you pay attention when the kind sales lady shows you how to do your bustle. More time has been wasted in the Ladies’ Room trying to figure it out at the 11th hour! If possible, have one of your bridesmaids with you at the shop so that she can learn too. Here’s a link to help you as well.
- There’s a growing trend of recycling one’s wedding wardrobe and décor. Certainly, a great way to get back some of the dollars spent! and are just a couple of the websites that offer this. Take a look. If there is something on there that fits in with your theme, why not buy it at a less expensive price?
- A note about your photographs. Be sure to make a list of all of the photographs you are going to want to end up with and give it to your photographer ahead of time. Also, ask one of your friends or a family member to be in charge of making sure this happens.
- Flowers are such a huge part of your wedding day and can be very expensive. You can save a lot by choosing flowers that are local and in season. Check out this website about wedding flowers to see what those flowers are.
- Don’t let anyone or anything take away your joy!

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