Savvy Secrets for 2013!
Some Savvy Secrets to start off 2013!
Throughout the holidays, there is little time to think about cleaning and little desire to be concerned about it! Here are a few Savvy Secrets to help you have “clean beginnings” for 2013!
1. If, through the holidays, someone inadvertently put a glass down on your wood topped table and left a ring, do not fear. Use a little petroleum jelly to remove the white stains. Just rub the area with the jelly and then let it sit for a few hours (or even over night). In the morning, rub with a soft cloth and watch the stain disappear.
2. Haven’t cleaned your plants’ leaves throughout the holiday season? Try this – rub the inside of a banana peel on each leaf. It will remove the dust and leave the leaf looking shiny and healthy. You can also use mayonnaise to get the same result but a banana peel seems less messy.
3. Garbage disposal seeming a bit dirty? Throw a few ice cubes down there and put the garbage disposal on until the grinding stops. The cold cubes will congeal any grease in the drain, allowing your disposal to break it up. Add a peel from any citrus fruit to give it a fresh scent!
4. Pledge it out! Yes, we know you use Pledge on your furniture but how about using it to keep your stainless steel sink clean? After you have washed out your sink, wipe the wood cleaner over it. If you do this once a month, the cleaner will keep your sink shiny by preventing water and food stains from taking hold.
5. “How on earth am I going to get my chandelier clean?”, you might be asking yourself. First, make sure the switch is off. Next, put an old, washable blanket underneath the chandelier to catch liquid and also any piece that might fall. Now, mix 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol with 1-1/2 cups of water in a jar. Now, just raise the jar up to each crystal and let soak for a moment. Let them then air dry. You can also put the solution into a spray bottle and spray it onto the crystals. Voila! Sparkling clean!
6. Are some of your dishes, plastic containers or bottles starting to smell a bit? Add a teaspoon of mustard to hot water and let the item soak in it for five minutes. The mustard will get rid of the smell, and you can wash as usual.
7. To remove baked on stains from a glass casserole dish, or water stains from the bottom of a vase, fill the item with warm water and add two tablets of Alka-Seltzer. Leave for an hour and the stains should be gone.
8. Instead of using Drano to unclog your pipes, use a gel dishwasher detergent like Cascade. Pour the detergent into the drain and then pour in boiling water. It is much better for your pipes than Drano.
9. If your sponges are dirty and still have life left in them, simply wring them out and then microwave on high for 30-60 seconds. Or, pop them in the utensil compartment of the dishwasher and wash them with the dishes.
10. Keep that brass classy and not brassy! Apply white, non-gel toothpaste on a soft, clean cloth and then rub firmly on brass. Use a fresh cloth to wipe clean.
Hope these are helpful and will add to the joy in your abundant lives!

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