Savvy Secrets – Cornstarch 2
We gave you a cornstarch savvy secret recently for untangling things that have become knotted. Today we have another installment in our cornstarch savvy secrets 🙂It is a simple and inexpensive product that nearly everyone has in his or her pantry.  But here are some uses that you may never have thought of:
To stop wood floor squeaks just sprinkle a bit of cornstarch over the squeaky spots on the floor, then sweep. The cornstarch will work its way into the nooks and cracks, and stop the noise.
From we learned that you can make your own all-natural blush and bronzer right at home! Simply mix cornstarch with either hibiscus powder or ground cinnamon (or both!).
We are loving these ideas and savvy secrets for cornstarch and sure hope you are too 🙂

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