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Savvy Secrets – Club Soda/Seltzer


Savvy secrets photoHave a bottle of club soda or seltzer in the fridge?  Good!

Here are several ways from care2 in which you can use it:

1. Clean Porcelain & Stainless Steel. Club soda/seltzer is the perfect cleaning agent for porcelain. Clean away with a soft cloth and wipe dry to prevent water stains.

2. Clean Cast Iron. Pour some seltzer/club soda on your cast iron and let it sit for a while. The carbonation will help clean up the rust.

3. Clean Surfaces. Apply seltzer/club soda to countertops and other surfaces and gently scrub with a soft cloth. No harsh chemicals needed!

4. Clean Your Car’s Windshield. Sometimes windshield wipers just aren’t enough. Always be prepared with a spray bottle of seltzer/club soda to keep your car’s windshield clean.

5.  Make Fluffier Pancakes. Skip the milk or water when you’re making pancakes, and use club soda/seltzer instead. Why? Well, the carbonation will help give make the pancakes lighter and airier. Yum!

6. Perfect Your Matzoh Balls. Just as club soda/seltzer will make pancakes fluffier, it’ll do the same for matzoh balls.

7. Make Your Scrambled Eggs Fluffier. You may think a few splashes of milk will make scrambled eggs fluffy, but it can be achieved with some carbonated water — who knew?!

8. Restore Dyed Hair. Did a trip to the pool damage your dyed hair? Quickly rinse with seltzer/club soda to return it to its previous luster.

9. Remove Urine Stains. Accidents do happen. Blot up as much of the urine as possible with a paper towel, pour some seltzer/club soda on the stain, and then blot again. Not only will it help remove the stain, but it’ll also help remove the odor.

10. Free a Rusty Screw. Can’t remove a screw because it’s rusted over? Remedy that by pouring some club soda/seltzer and letting it sit for about 5 minutes. The carbonation will eat away the rust.

seltzer and a glass

And, of course, have it as a refreshing, bubbly drink with a slice of lime or lemon!





Could not let the day go by without wishing Trevor a year full of awesome wonder…… a year full of love, joy and abundance!







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