Over a Cup of Tea – Reflections on the Queen’s Jubilee
Oh what a lovely week it has been thus far with all the grand celebrations in honor of Queen Elizabeth! Jackie and I have loved each and every minute of it, from the concert, the clothes, the fanfare and the drama of the pageantry! No one does ceremony and pageantry better than the British! And what joy to see so many people all over the world but especially in London coming together in national pride to honor their Queen.
With so many difficult things to be reported everyday around the world in the news, it is such a welcomed relief to see so much good. Now at first glance, it might be very easy to trivialize this celebration for some, but how many people do you know or even know of, who have held the same job for 60 years? It is simple enough to think how easy the Queen has it with people to wait on her at every turn if she so desires, beautiful clothes, nice cars, palaces to live in and never a worry about how to pay a bill. Yet there is a trade off. Yes she does materially have a lovely life, yet for the past 60 years, since the age of 26 she has not had one day completely to herself. Her life has been all about serving her subjects and her country. Every decision, large and small ones, must be weighed out as to what impact they might have on others. And while she has people to wait on her, she never has the freedom to just decide to run out for a bite to eat at her favorite spot with her husband or family. She can’t just go to the movies on a whim, or take a stroll through the park unnoticed and alone with her thoughts.
Here are some of our thoughts about her life and about this Jubilee celebration:
(Trevor Bryson – Videographer)
And here you can see the Queen and hear her give a word of “Thanks” to all those who have celebrated with her.
Yes it is a very privileged life, and what seems to be, a very abundant life she has led. But, it has also been a life of sacrifice and service. For that, I have great respect for the Queen. So I say along with her countrymen, subjects, and her son and heir to the throne, Prince Charles, a hardy and heartfelt, “Hip, hip hooray!”
May each of you know the abundance of a life filled with love and joy, so that no matter who you are, you will feel like a King or Queen!

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Enjoyed your post on the Queen. She is a true leader with an attitude of thankfulness.
What a great week of posts celebrating the Queen. I always love drinking my morning coffee and watching your videos. (I really should switch to tea) xo
This has been a glorious and ROYAL week, ladies. And yes, Kings & Queens we are!! I loved your “recap” of the week at the kitchen island over tea. It was a fun 9 minutes and I thank you for such late night entertainment and the reminder that we all live fully and richly, yet simply (like the Queen’s breakfast!)
God bless you ladies for the joy of useful information you share with your royal subjects and GOD BLESS THE QUEEN! May we all enjoy her 75th jubilee!