Prince George Will Go Too!
Just over thirty years ago, Prince Charles and Diana insisted that William be with them on an official tour of Australia and New Zealand. He was nine months old at the time.
We say insisted as that is what they had to do. It was really unheard of to take your baby with you! It was a first. Up until that time when the monarch travelled, his or her children were left behind with a nanny or nannies. As a matter of fact, the Queen was away from her two children for months at a time when they were very small. There was nothing strange about it – it was the “done” thing! Diana could not bear the thought of leaving her son for weeks at a time with a nanny and so along he came.
William and Catherine feel exactly the same way about their little George. Next month when George will be around eight months old, they will make an official tour of Australia and New Zealand, much like William’s parents did, and George will go too! Up until now they have not had a full time nanny although William’s nanny, Jessica Webb, subbed in for a few months. We have read that William and Catherine have indeed hired a new nanny and that he or she will be traveling with them for this official visit.
William and Catherine seem to be very much “hands on” with their son George – an absolute delight to hear.
Bon voyage to this dear family. Their time is sure to be full of love, joy and abundance!

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