Perfect Hot Cocoa
Making perfect homemade creamy, rich, hot chocolate is more simple than you might think. It’s just cocoa powder, sugar, salt, water, vanilla and milk….you probably have all that on hand right now!To have a cup of delicious hot cocoa you don’t have to buy expensive mixes that have all kinds of ingredients that you probably can’t pronounce and end up with hot chocolate that is always a little watery tasting. The steps are simple and only take a few seconds.
Perfect Hot Cocoa
1 tablespoon cocoa powder (this is unsweetened cocoa)
2 tablespoons sugar
A pinch of salt
1/4 cup water
A splash of vanilla
1 cup milk
Put the cocoa, sugar,salt and water in a saucepan and heat to boiling. Cook for about 1 minute. Add milk and heat through. Pour in a splash of vanilla and stir. Pour into you cup and add some whipped cream or marshmallows and you’re in for a BIG treat!
If you want to make more than one cup just follow the ratio of twice as much sugar as cocoa and add a bit of salt and enough water to create a syrup. Boil it and add milk and vanilla.
You will no doubt end up with a cup that looks like this …
Curl up with a good book or movie, a cozy blanket and your cup of homemade Perfect Hot Cocoa and there is no doubt some love, joy and a whole lot of abundant living ahead of you 🙂

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