Nurture The Ordinary!

Who said ordinary is boring?!
Read moreSep 1
Aug 31
Years ago, noted anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture.
Read moreAug 30
Aug 27
We could not let this day go by without acknowledging and honoring those 13, who in service to their country and their follow man, yesterday gave their last full measure of devotion…they gave their very lives.
To them and to their grieving families we say a very insufficient “Thank you for your service”. We honor you. Rest well. You are not forgotten.
Aug 27
We all know the proverbial saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”…or can you? In this case the “old dog” is any of us who has been accustomed to adorning a present for someone with traditional paper gift wrapping. The “new trick” is a Japanese method for gift wrap called “furoshiki”.
Read moreAug 26
If you knew you could spend roughly a little less than $13 on a product and refresh your wardrobe, bedding and upholstery would you do it?
Read moreAug 25
If you like a good book, having a cozy place to curl up and read is always a joy. But it isn’t just adults who can enjoy such pleasures. Children too, can travel to distant places in their imaginations when they are encouraged to spend time reading.
Read moreAug 24
Always wanting to share interesting little tidbits, here’s one that we think you will enjoy.
Read moreAug 23
Aug 20
We’ve come across some very helpful Savvy Secrets involving a simple household item that is probably already in your cupboard…peroxide.
Read moreAug 19
Aug 18
We always love to share precious ideas with all of you, our chums. This is a precious book and a “must have in your library”!
Read moreAug 17
Aug 16
Aug 13
When you look up into the sky, you may see one or two stars, maybe no stars. But you KNOW they are there so you keep looking and the more you look, the more you see.
Read moreAug 12
Yes, this time of year reminds of weddings and so we thought it would be fun to look at Elizabeth Taylor’s many wedding dresses!
Read moreAug 11
There are a few things on our garments that we just simply accept, not asking “why so?”.
Read moreAug 10
Fred Rogers was an icon with a pure heart of gold, for sure.
Read moreAug 6
The taste of honey is sweet by everyone’s standards, but the additional health benefits of this ancient food make it sweeter on a different level.
Read moreAug 5
Remember the good ole days of summer? The ones they called the lazy, hazy days of summer? This Summer Freeze tastes like that. What’s a freeze you ask? A freeze is basically a float that has been blended. And this one is delicious!
Read moreAug 4
Aug 3
Aug 2
Jul 30
In the colonial era, the most prestigious jobs were reserved for well-off white men, who secured appointments as colonial governors and military leaders. But there were many other types of jobs in Britain’s 13 American colonies.
Benjamin Banneker, a free Black man born in Maryland in 1731, was a farmer and writer who, after the American Revolution, assisted in the land survey to establish the District of Columbia. Elizabeth Freeman, who successfully sued for her freedom in Massachusetts in 1781 (becoming the first person to win her freedom this way), worked as a midwife and nurse.
Here are six common types of jobs that people held in the 13 colonies and what they produced.
Read moreJul 28
You’ll be hard-pressed to find a picture of Kate Middleton wearing a crown before she was married, and there’s a reason why.
Read moreJul 26
We all face challenges. No one who has ever walked on this earth has escaped them. Challenges aren’t a question, they are a certainty. We came across a wonderful reminder regarding those life challenges we wanted to share with our chums to start your week.
Read moreJul 25
For those of you who know us well, you know that we never put a post in on a Sunday but, today there is a special reason!
Read moreJul 23
Summer is the perfect time to rest. But maybe not in the way you normally define it.
Read moreJul 22
Though most aspects of the United States Secret Service live up to the agency’s name, some details are public information. The most enjoyable of these would have to be the code names assigned to the Secret Service’s protection detail, which extend beyond the President and his or her family. Vice President , cabinet members, presidential candidates, and high-profile visitors like the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II (aka Halo and Kittyhawk, respectively) fall under their purview as well.
Read moreJul 21
These are rather wonderful “Rules To Live By” that caught our eye and our heart!.
Read moreJul 19
Our dear chum, Jennifer, again knocked it out of the park when sending us this suggestion!
Read moreJul 16
Certainly, the famous museum in Paris, the Louvre, has been visited by many many people over the years. But has it always been the Louvre?
Read moreJul 15
At midday on July 10, 1040, Lady Godiva famously rode on a horse naked to protest the crushing taxes levied by her husband on the peasants of Coventry, England.
Read moreJul 14
Words matter. They have within them the power to give life and hope, or discouragement and death. Use them wisely.
Read moreJul 13
Jul 12
We think there is simply no better way to start your day, or your week, than with a good laugh. So here you go:
Read moreJul 9
As everyone who enjoys a good cup of coffee knows, it is often referred to as a “cup of Joe”. But who is “Joe” anyway and why is he associated with coffee?
Read moreJul 8
If you are a fan of the game of tennis, you are very aware that we are in the middle of the biggest match of the year, Wimbledon.
“Why”, you might well ask, “are there British military personnel serving at Wimbledon?”
Read moreJul 7
A couple of weeks ago we did a post about some fabulous sunglasses Jackie had found and bought for a group of our friends.
Read moreJul 6
(See at the end of this read where you can purchase this bikini)
Ever thought about where the name “bikini” came from?
On July 5, 1946, French designer Louis Réard unveils a daring two-piece swimsuit at the Piscine Molitor, a popular swimming pool in Paris.
Read moreJul 4
Jul 4
Last Friday, Prince William and Prince Harry joined together to unveil a statue of their beloved mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.
Read moreJul 2
As you know Sunday is the day we celebrate our independence and the birth of our great nation. It’s the 4th of July! And there is hardly a food you can name that is more frequently associated with the 4th of July…more quintessentially American… than the hotdog.
Read moreJul 1
Yes, today is Canada’s national holiday! We certainly could not let it go by without wishing Canada a very happy birthday!
Read moreJun 30
We tend to think of speed limits as a modern convention relating to freeways and residential neighborhoods, but they actually date back much further — centuries, in fact.
Read moreJun 29
We came across this post on a social media site and it got us thinking.
Read moreJun 28
Today, the word “Wrigley” is most associated with two things: Chewing gum and the famous home ballpark of the Chicago Cubs.
Read moreJun 25
Need a new pair of good looking shades…a.k.a. sunglasses… as this summer season gets underway? We’ve got just the thing for you.
Read moreJun 24
If you know anything at all about your Two Chums, you know we have an affinity for butter. Today we have some Savvy Secrets having to do with this favorite food of ours that we think you will appreciate knowing.
Read moreJun 23
Ever wonder why the tags used to seal loaves of bread come in different colors?
Read moreJun 22
Jun 21
“I asked a friend who has crossed 70 and is heading towards 80 what sort of changes she is feeling in herself? She sent me the following:
Read moreJun 18
Jun 17
August 8, 1982. A line drive foul ball hits a four year old boy in the head at Fenway.
Read moreJun 16
Sunday is Father’s Day and we have a great idea for a treat everyone will love when you celebrate 🙂
Read moreJun 15
Jun 14
It is always a good idea to start off the week with some words of wisdom.
Read moreJun 11
Need something fun to nibble on and liven up your weekend? We’ve got just the thing. Give these super easy and very yummy Salted Pretzel Bites a try. They can easily be made gluten free by simply substituting gluten free flour for regular wheat flour. Your family and your taste buds will thank you 🙂
Read moreJun 10
The popular image of Josephine Baker is of a daring entertainer, one who often shocked audiences by defying all the conventions of the day. But behind the tabloid fodder of her dramatic stage performances and glamorous lifestyle — including a pet cheetah — there was a complex woman who many of her fans never saw.
Read moreJun 9
With a spectacular victory at the Belmont Stakes, Secretariat became the first horse since Citation in 1948 to win America’s coveted Triple Crown: the Kentucky Derby , the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes.
Read moreJun 8
Jun 7
Jun 4
If you’ve not already seen the delightful program, All Creatures Great and Small on PBS, this weekend would be a good time to start.
Read moreJun 3
Jun 2
On this day in 1953,Queen Elizabeth II was formally crowned monarch of the United Kingdom in a lavish ceremony steeped in traditions that date back a millennium.
Read moreJun 1
The day after Memorial Day, we really should have a chuckle but we just wanted to post one more rather serious post before we have a chuckle.
Read moreMay 31
The freedoms large and small we all sometimes so casually enjoy, were bought with a price…the highest price of all. Remember those who paid it and honor them by being the best citizen and neighbor you can be. That is the least we can do to show our gratitude for their sacrifice.
Very thankful today and everyday,
May 28
May 27
May 26
On this day back in 1907, Marion Michael Morrison, an actor who came to epitomize the American West, was born in Winterset, Iowa. But this was not the name we know him by.
Read moreMay 25
Last week was all about sharing some of our favorite things…about Chums Choices. This week we are sharing some wise ideas.
Read moreMay 21
If you’ve been following Two Chums for a while you might have guessed that at least one of this weeks posts on some of our “favorite things” would involve food in one way or another. So today is the day 🙂
Read moreMay 20
May 19
There would seem to be almost as many hair care products on the market as there are heads of hair to use them. And each and every one of them will tell you they are the best, or, at least, why they are better than the others.
Read moreMay 18
May 17
We are all shopping and buying things from home more and more both for ourselves and as gifts. But some things are more difficult than others to get right. Buying a ring can be one of those things.
Read moreMay 14
May 13
Repeating the good that we hear about is one of our favorite things to do! This one is certainly worth repeating!
Read moreMay 12
We all have probably hundreds, if not thousands, of photos on our phones. Or even older photos stuffed away in shoe boxes hiding in the closet. Every few years we pull them out, look through some of them and smile at the happy memories they represent.
Read moreMay 11
Now, before we start this, let us just say that we have not tried these ourselves so cannot say for certain that they are fact but…’s worth giving them a try.
It’s all about cucumbers!
Read moreMay 10
May 7
We do hope that you are lovers of Jane Austen’s writings, as are your Two Chums! Here are a few of her quotes.
Read moreMay 5
May 4
We love to hear these “stories of goodness” and love, even more, sharing them!
Read moreMay 3
It’s that time of year again….Girls Scout Cookie season. If you’re like many of us you may well have a stock of Girl Scout cookies in your cupboard. They are tasty by themselves of course, but the we came across this easy recipe for a Thin Mint Cheesecake we had to pass it along to our chums!
Read moreApr 30
My darling chum, Jackie, recently gifted me with this terrific book.
Read moreApr 29
This photo was reprinted in this month’s Harper’s Bazaar. It was originally seen in the April 1964 issue of Bazaar, along with some wonderful info about the fashionable Audrey Hepburn.
Read moreApr 28
This may look like ordinary fried chicken, but it’s not. This is a plate of delicious Nashville Hot Chicken!
Read moreApr 27
We came across this wonderful story posted on social media by a great chum of ours – in fact she was a Latin world champion dancer!
Read moreApr 26
Even though it is Monday and a lot of us do not feel like starting the workweek once more, do your Two Chums a favor and take it up a notch!
Read moreApr 23
Need something to make for dinner that is substantial, quick, easy and most importantly yummy? We’ve got that!
Read moreApr 22
Today is International Earth Day. This NASA photo of earth taken in 1972 by the Apollo 17 crew, has been titled “Blue Marble”. We think the reason is obvious.
Read moreApr 21
As England is many hours ahead of us here in the U.S. it is now late in the day there and this message came through here this morning posted from the Queen. We thought you would enjoy seeing it.