Words Of Wisdom – Sleeping Medicine

Having trouble sleeping some nights? Give this a try.
Read moreJan 18
Jan 17
Jan 14
Sometimes we buy a bag of limes and we can’t use them all them before they start to get old. By old we mean slightly discolored and skin that gets a bit hard. It’s always a disappointment to have to throw food away. Now, you won’t have to with these tricks.
Read moreJan 13
As you know if you have been around for any period of time at Two Chums, we love history. That said, we found something we thought was worth sharing on that topic.
Read moreJan 12
The question of whether or not you can reliably water your orchid plants with ice cubes is a good one. We did some research and here’s what we found out.
Read moreJan 11
Jan 10
Jan 7
Your Two Chums sent this out, mistakenly, on Wednesday and realize that most of you did not see it. We loved it so that we felt it was worth re-sending!
We all know the name “Mr. Rogers”! Most of us know also that he was a very kind human who taught young children valuable lessons through his television program.
Read moreJan 6
This adorable little girl, Jaylane Sutherland, dressed up in Kentucky as Queen Elizabeth II with her corgis for Halloween last year.
Read moreJan 5
Jan 4
These words from a Cherokee fable are wise words ones indeed, and a great reminder as we start this new year, of how we all should live.
Read moreJan 3
The wrought-iron lattice of the Eiffel Tower was built to headline the 1889 World’s Fair, but the engineering masterpiece — named after its architect, Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel — was intended to be temporary.
Read moreDec 31
As we close out of 2021 and prepare to start 2022 we came across some words of wisdom and encouragement we want to share with you, our dear chums.
Read moreDec 30
Want a delicious and simple appetizer this New Years Eve that everyone will love? We’ve got that!
Read moreDec 29
What does it mean when the Queen of England moves her handbag from one side to the other?
Read moreDec 28
Dec 27
Before pink and blue, there was white. For much of the 19th century, most infants and toddlers wore white dresses regardless of their biological sex. Dresses facilitated diaper-changing, after all, and white cotton could easily be cleaned with bleach.
Read moreDec 23
Family and friends will gather together over the next few days. Your Christmas tree will no doubt be admired by those who come to our home to celebrate Christmas with you. But besides the one that holds your ornaments you can also have some edible trees that can be enjoyed on a whole different level. Here are few ideas for edible trees.
Read moreDec 22
Want to make your home smell heavenly this holiday season? We’ve got the “recipe” for a DIY home fragrance that is very easy, very quick and very affordable.
Read moreDec 21
Dec 20
The countdown to Christmas has begun. If you are like most of us, you still have things to wrap for Christmas and you may be running out of ideas, or even paper or ribbon for that matter. Another blogger we follow, Carolina McCauley, has some great gift wrapping ideas we wanted to share with you today.
Read moreDec 17
With Christmas just a week away and then New Years a week later, many of us tend to do more cooking for family and friends. Onions are a staple in most everyone’s kitchen and are called for in a myriad of recipes for soups, salads, stews or as a seasoning for cooked veggies. With so many choices how do you know which onion to use for which dish?
Read moreDec 16
“The meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder.” Thus said Richard Bach!
Read moreDec 15
It’s the season of giving and today we the opportunity for you to take a moment and give the gift of appreciation for someone reaching a great milestone.
Read moreDec 14
In the UK, you’re likely to hear “Happy Christmas” instead of “Merry Christmas,” and “Father Christmas” instead of “Santa Claus.”
Read moreDec 10
Oh golly! Your Two Chums do love beauty and a lot of jewels, especially the famous ones, exemplify that quality!
Look at these famous ones!
Read moreDec 9
Holiday time can bring, to some people, a feeling of loneliness. Totally understandable, for some situations, but, on the other hand, this is really a time for joy!
Read moreDec 8
Your Two Chums ran some errands together yesterday, which resulted in a good amount of car time and opportunity just to talk and catch up on so many, many things going on. We started fairly early and then in the afternoon stopped to have lunch, and covered in conversation an array of other topics which covered subjects like our current projects, the holidays, our children and grand children, as well as things as broad as the concerns of the state of our world. There wasn’t much we didn’t touch on in our lengthy conversation. But what stuck out and what all of it boiled down to, what we kept coming back to again and again was the need to just be more loving in everything we do. We agreed it was a message we all need to hear and hoped we would be reminded of often.
Read moreDec 7
It’s that time of year when even those who rarely darken the door of the kitchen, sometimes feel the need to indulge in a little holiday baking. Those of us who truly enjoy cooking (and baking and eating) spend even more time creating treats and delicacies to serve our families, our guests and of course ourselves too. It would be safe to say that more baking is done this time of year than almost any other.
Read moreDec 6
As we all know, first impressions are really important. Not only in our persons but in our writing. First lines.
Read moreDec 3
Dec 2
As the Christmas song reminds us “This is the happiest time of the year.” And in general that is so very true for most people, even those who don’t celebrate Christmas. There is a spirit of joy that is present and can be felt by even the most sour Scrooge.
Read moreDec 1
Well, we do know that “He’s got the whole world in His hands” but did you know THIS?
Read moreNov 30
Nov 29
As we are in the midst of this holiday season we have come by some very wise and encouraging words from Israeli poet and songwriter, Natan Yonaton, we wanted to share with you today.
Read moreNov 26
Just about any savvy shopper is familiar with the deals and doorbusters offered on this day — but they may not be aware of how Black Friday got its name.
Read moreNov 25
Nov 24
Oh yes, this glorious week of Thanksgiving! What a very blessed time it is for all of us. Everyone celebrates it and we can all join together in gratitude!
Read moreNov 23
As we head into Thanksgiving it is always good to be reminded of those things we can give thanks for in our lives. We have a universal one to share today.
Read moreNov 22
Its almost time to celebrate that iconic American holiday…Thanksgiving! And what is more synonymous with a Thanksgiving meal than turkey? Still cooking a turkey strikes fear in the hearts of many, so today we have a couple of tips… aka Savvy Secrets…for cooking a delicious flavorful, juicy bird.
Read moreNov 19
Keeping your home smelling delicious and inviting during the holidays is a matter of a very simple concoction you can make easily and delight your family, your guests and yourself for that matter!
Read moreNov 18
“Please, sir, I want some more?” a quote that most of us can pinpoint by Dickens. Read on to find out more!
Read moreNov 17
We all want our children and grandchildren to do well in school. But they may need some encouragement when they don’t. If they don’t do well on their next math test, we may need to take a second to understand that math may not be their strong suit in life or their interest, and remember what it is they are really interested in and what they may be really good at doing when they grow up.
Read moreNov 16
Nov 15
Apparently, the game of golf dates back to medieval times! Can you believe that?
Read moreNov 12
Stains. We all get them from time to time. But figuring how to get rid of them without ruining whatever they are on can be tricky.
Read moreNov 11
Today is the day we honor those who have served in our armed forces. Today is Veterans Day. With each passing year there are fewer and fewer veterans from WWII still living. Many have been honored as they should be for their sacrifice and service to our country. One group of WWII soldiers is little known to the public. These were the Japanese Americans who fought for this country at a time when Japan was our enemy.
Tonight on the History Channel at 8pm you can take the opportunity to learn more about the most decorated soldiers in our history and the brave fight they gave to defend our freedom.
We honor, celebrate and thank these men, and all the brave men and women who have served to keep us and the things we hold dear, safe. Be sure to tell a Veteran today “Thank you for your service”. It is the very least we can do to honor them.
Nov 10
If you’ve been alive for more than, say a couple of years, you’ve no doubt experienced some pain, sadness, and disappointment. Those things are unavoidable in this life. They are not, as they say, optional. Painful circumstances are never our choice. But what we do with them is.
Read moreNov 9
In conversation, we find ourselves quoting from certain movies but do we always get it right?
Read moreNov 8
Well….you know the rest. So here’s some good medicine to start off your week. You’re welcome!
Read moreNov 5
The holidays are upon us. Having some delicious snacks or appetizers that can be made ahead and ready for friends or family when they drop in, or before a holiday meal, or while watching a game, can make everyone’s time together a little more enjoyable and certainly more tasty! So over the next couple of weeks we will share some simple appetizer ideas.
Read moreNov 4
As a woman, isn’t being thought of as beautiful something we all long for at one time or another? But what sort of beauty are we hoping to achieve? The physical kind? Yes. But what about a deeper more lasting and permanent kind of beauty?
Read moreNov 3
Ball bearings, diving gear, robots and the parachute! Which famous gentleman invented these?
Read moreNov 2
The answer to why they want dinner…they’re hungry. The answer to the question “Whats for dinner?”…today it’s White Chicken Chili.
Read moreNov 1
Oct 29
“What is a Toaster Bag?”, you may be wondering. Well these handy dandy kitchen tools may just make your sandwiches a step above!
Read moreOct 28
As we’ve noted before there are a lot of angry, unkind things being said on social media and the news media alike from people who have strong and definite opinions on any numbers of current issues. We can all get carried away sometimes when discussing things we feel passionate about, with someone who sees things differently than we do. We recently came across a quote, from attorney, writer and philanthropist Bob Goff, that is such a good reminder for us all we wanted to share it with you, our chums.
Read moreOct 27
Did you ever wonder what you could eat to insure you’ll wake up fully refreshed, or what could get you going better than coffee in the morning, or what simple food would give you enough energy for a 90 minute workout?
Read moreOct 26
Before October 24, 1861, the fastest means of transcontinental communication was the esteemed relay of riders and horses called the Pony Express.
Read moreOct 25
Oct 22
We came across these quotes from several different artists and know that you will all love them…..so thought provoking!
Read moreOct 21
What on earth does “nom de plume” mean? Well it IS French but is a phrase that we use all the time in our wonderful language of English!
Read moreOct 20
Oh golly! We saw this and simply HAD to share it!
Read moreOct 19
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg.
Read moreOct 18
Oct 15
What an amazing bird with wings outstretched! But what are many of these beautiful birds called?
Read moreOct 14
As we’ve noted before, these are difficult times for so many people. People are scared, they are navigating unfamiliar circumstances, they are weary.
Read moreOct 13
So many stories that pop up on social media sites are about bad news or of a controversial nature so when we see one that is a truly positive story, one that is about good news, we want to pass it on. This one is about a truly kind, good guy.
Read moreOct 12
Your Two Chums never tire of our sweet friend, Winnie the Pooh. Here are some wonderful quotes from him to make your day!
Read moreOct 11
It is always a good idea to keep your sense of humor intact, especially as it seems the world gets crazier and crazier. So today we are offering you a little something that came to us from another of our chums. If you happen to be a person of a certain age you will immediately appreciate this. If you are a younger person, you’ll still appreciate it because you no doubt know an older person and/or you will be there yourself sooner than you think. Whether it brings you a small chuckle or finds you laughing out loud…enjoy!
Read moreOct 8
If you like comfort and spice this is the dish for you. Fried chicken (the comfort food) drenched in a sweet hot sauce (the spice). This tasty delight is known as Nashville Hot Chicken.
Read moreOct 7
A lot of us have been stretched and stressed over the events of the past year and those of current days as well. We came across some wise words from a national hero who was no stranger to difficult times within the country. These are the wise words of President Abraham Lincoln.
Read moreOct 6
Babe Ruth about to swipe at a huge ball in 1927. Photo: Getty Images
The son of a saloon owner in a seedy section of Baltimore, as we mentioned yesterday, Ruth was sent to the St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys at age 7 to keep him out of trouble.
He developed his formidable baseball skills at St. Mary’s, playing upwards of 200 games per year between classes, but the no-nonsense Catholic monks in charge required each boarder to learn a useful vocation. And we bet you cannot guess what Babe’s “useful vocation” was!
Read moreOct 5
Oct 5
If you are a baseball fan or live in a house with one, you know that this time of year is really important in the baseball world and you also know that Babe Ruth is a household name!
Read moreOct 4
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow
Poet Sarah Josepha Hale first published a version of this poem in 1830. Around 50 years later, an elderly woman named Mary Sawyer stepped forward as the real Mary.
Read moreOct 1
What is Beefy Asian Yum you might be asking? It’s the iconic Asian dish, Beef with Broccoli and this one is not only yummy, it easy to prepare too!
Read moreSep 30
In the whole world there are only a handful of women and girls who legitimately hold the title of “Princess”. This one, in the estimation of your Two Chums, tops the list.
Read moreSep 29
Your Two Chums tend to love history and, for this reason, we are sharing this recounting of Elizabeth I, the child of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots.
It is a rather long recounting but well worth the read!
Read moreSep 28
Well, which book do you think was the first one to be published with a printing press?
Read moreSep 27
As we start the week, we came across some great encouragement and very wise words we wanted share with you, our chums.
Read moreSep 24
Beauty treatments at home can be simple and easy when you combine three very simple ingredients from nature…raw honey and coconut oil and apple cider vinegar.
Read moreSep 23
Famously described by the Queen as “the one place I can truly relax”, the Royal Yacht Britannia was a home away from home for the royals from her maiden voyage in 1954 until she was decommissioned in 1997. Sailing more than one million nautical miles to 135 countries, the vessel also played a key role in Britain’s diplomatic work, allowing the Queen to serve as a host wherever she went. Now moored in Edinburgh, Scotland as a tourist attraction, the ship remains the last of 84 royal yachts, ending a tradition that first began in 1660.
While plans to build a successor to boost Britain’s trade continue to attract criticism, Britannia is once again attracting hordes of visitors after being forced to close because of COVID-19. And it’s no surprise, because from being able to look right into the Queen’s bedroom to learning about what life was like for the up to 220 yachtsmen on board, this is a boat with some fascinating stories to tell.
Town & Country went aboard to learn the secrets of this much-loved vessel. Here’s our pick of the best royal tales.
Many photographs of the Royal Yacht Britannia show the family waving from the Royal Bridge as the vessel departed from or arrived at its destination. And the bow of the ship was specially adapted to make sure these public moments did not reveal more than was intended. “The curved teak windbreak was a later feature, added for modesty’s sake, to prevent sea breezes from lifting royal skirts,” visitors to Britannia are told.
When the 412-ft yacht was built in 1953, it was considered important that it had a garage to house the Queen’s Rolls Royce. However, getting the car on board was no easy feat. “First, the car, in its transporter, had to be hoisted onto the special track that is fitted into the deck. Even then, it could only be squeezed into the garage by removing its bumpers,” Britannia’s guide notes. Thankfully, in later years the Queen usually traveled in a car from the country she was visiting which meant that the garage was eventually used as a beer store.
Now, visitors to Britannia get a full view of the Queen and Prince Philip’s (separate) bedrooms, albeit through glass. However, when the ship was in use it was important that no-one could peek into these rooms. Pointing out that the windows looking into these areas are “higher than anywhere else on the Yacht,” Britannia’s guide explains: “By placing them at this height above the deck, any accidental glimpses into the royal bedrooms could be prevented.”
One of the most fascinating things about touring the yacht is looking into the living quarters—from the relatively luxurious rooms of the Queen and Prince Philip and the ship’s Admiral, to the officers’ comfortable sitting room and dining room, to the approximately 220 yachtsmen who lived, slept, and worked, as the guide describes “in fairly cramped conditions”. Tourists are told: “Britannia was a ship in which hierarchy was strongly defined”. And there were plenty of people to accommodate. Some 45 working members of the royal household accompanied the Queen on her overseas visits.
As the yacht was build with their use in mind, the Queen and Prince Philip both had a say in the ship’s design and as such, it gives some insight into their taste. The Queen’s (single) bed has a specially-commissioned embroidered silk panel above it, and her room is decorated in pale and neutral colors. By contrast, Philip’s room features vibrant maroon linen and curtains and, at his request, his pillows, unlike the Queen’s “do not have lace on the borders”.
The honeymoon suite on the yacht is opposite the Queen and Philip’s bedrooms. “This is the only room on Britannia with a double bed which was brought on board by Prince Charles when he honeymooned on the Yacht with Princess Diana,” tourists are told. “When the Royal Children were small, this bedrooms and the adjoining room were used as nursery suites.”
Food on board Britannia was prepared in three galleys—one for the yachtsmen, one for the officers and one for the royal household. Buckingham Palace chefs were flown out to prepare royal food and there was a room that, according to Britannia’s guide, was known as the Jelly Room “for it was in here that the royal children’s jellies were stored.”
The largest room on Britannia is the State Dining Room where lavish banquets were held. It could also be used as a cinema room. “The silver-grey carpet could also be rolled up to expose a wooden dance floor beneath, although the last time this was used was for Princess Anne’s 21st birthday celebrations,” the guide notes.
Just like their separate bedrooms, the Queen and Philip had separate offices on board Britannia. Philip’s had a “specially designed display case,” the ship’s guide notes, in which he kept “a model of HMS Magpie, His Royal Highness’s first naval command.” The Duke of Edinburgh famously gave up his active naval career in 1951 to support his wife in her duties when King George VI’s health was ailing.
The royal family and their guests relaxed in the drawing room, which featured a grand piano. The instrument was played by members of the family and even some of their famous guests, including composer Noel Coward. “The Welmar baby grand piano cost £350 when it was supplied in 1952, and is firmly bolted to the deck to stop it taking off in choppy seas,” tourists are told.
Walking through the laundry at the end of the tour provides an insight into what was once a “hot and noisy environment”. Some 600 shirts could pass through the laundry in one day, with the royal family’s washing done on separate days to that of the crew. Britannia’s audio guide recounts “one occasion when the royal washing turned a delicate shade of blue, and Her Majesty’s Dresser was less than amused. The cause, it turned out, was a chemical reaction in the copper pipes, which was quickly remedied by adjusting the pH value of the water.”
What a very fun tour! The next time you are in Scotland, you should go and tour!
Sep 22
Sep 21
Sep 20
Are you having a little one to stay overnight and don’t have a place for them to sleep? We found this fabulous idea on social media and had to share!
Read moreSep 17
If you’ve never tried making nor eating hush puppies, now is the time you can change all that!
Read moreSep 16
If you are a regular here at Two Chums, you will recognize that this week’s posts have been about pushing on, not giving up, or as in the case of yesterday’s post, tuning a blind eye to be able to continue when proverbial wisdom would say to quit. Today’s post is another word of encouragement along those same lines.
Read moreSep 15
Sep 14
Sep 13
Twenty years ago Saturday, on September 11th, 2001 this man changed the course of history. With his act of courage and bravery he lost his own life in the process of saving countless others.
Read moreSep 10
An old man meets a young man who asks: “Do you remember me?”
And the old man says “no”.
Read moreSep 9
Sep 8
We were asked by one of our chums to do a post on “The Royals” and we thought this would be a great one to explore! After all, who does not love jewels?
The Crown Jewels are a collection of treasures, including coronation regalia, crowns, orbs, medals, and insignias from English monarchs whose history dates back nearly a thousand years. Their total worth today is estimated between $3-6 billion dollars. Famous gemstones like the Koh-i-nûr and Cullinan diamonds help comprise the collection.
Much of the original collection was made for the coronation of Charles II in 1661. The Crown Jewels are still worn by the monarch during the Coronation Service and the State Opening of Parliament. For 600 years, they have been stored and protected at the Tower of London, where over 30 million people have caught a glimpse of them.
Today’s Crown Jewels are real, but those from before 1661 are not the originals. After the end of the British Civil Wars in 1649, Charles I was executed, and the winning side, the Parliamentarians, had them destroyed as a symbol of the end of a corrupt monarchy.
At the heart of the Crown Jewels collection is At. Edward’s Crown. It is solid gold and was made for Charles II as part of his coronation, replacing the previous crown, which had been destroyed. Until 1991, the gems in the crown were rented and returned after the coronation ceremony. The coronation of George V had semi-precious gems set into this famous crown.
The coronation’s Investiture section includes the Jeweled Sword of Offering and Sovereign’s Orb. The sword is from 1820 and symbolizes the king’s nature of chivalry. Made of gilt steel and silver, a cruciform gold hilt is set with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds and decorated with national emblems. It is presented as an ornament along with bracelets and spurs. In this part of the ceremony, the king promises to protect good and punish evil, upon which the sword is placed around the king’s waist. Queens are not adorned with this sword during coronation ceremonies.
The Sovereign’s Orb represents the monarch’s power over the Christian world. It is a gold globe with a cross on top adorned with rose-cut diamonds. Emeralds, rose-cut diamonds, rubies, pearls and sapphires separate it into three sections. During the medieval period, the three sections represented the three known continents at the time. The monarch takes the orb in his or her right hand during the coronation service. Just before the crowning, both the jeweled sword and the orb are put on the altar.
The Imperial State Crown was added to the collection of Crown Jewels in 1937 and is decorated with renowned historic jewels. At the front is the Black Prince’s Ruby. The story goes that this semi-precious stone (not truly a ruby, but a spinel) belonged to Pedro the Cruel, King of Castile. In 1367, he bestowed it upon Edward, Prince of Wales to thank him for his help in a battle. Aside from the Black Prince’s Ruby, the Imperial State Crown includes over 2,000 diamonds, over 200 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, and four actual rubies. The monarch wears this crown leaving the coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey as well as during other formal occasions.
In the moments before the crowning, the monarch receives the Sovereign’s Scepter and Rod, one in each hand. Their significance has a history that dates back to 1066, when William the Conqueror declared that the scepter would control uprising, and the rod would rein in constituents who may stray.
There is more than one Sovereign’s Scepter. Usually, both are offered to the new monarch during coronation. The Cullinan I diamond was added for George V in 1910. This diamond weighs 530.2 carats, the largest of its kind and quality in the world. This scepter is a symbol of temporal power. The Sovereign’s Scepter with Dove is the second scepter. It includes an enamel dove on top, and his wings are spread as a symbol of the Holy Ghost to represent the spiritual role of the monarch.
Before the scepters are presented to the monarch, the coronation ring is placed on his or her right hand. The ring’s place in the ceremony began in 1831, symbolizing dignity. In its center is an octagonal sapphire set in gold and overlaid with four rectangular rubies in the shape of a cross, all surrounded by 14 diamonds.
Thank you to Trivia Genius for this historical information. Love to learn all about it!
Sep 7
Sep 6
You may think of Labor Day, as so many of us do, as marking the end of summer and the beginning of the new school year. But that was not how Labor Day started or what it celebrated. According to History.com, Labor Day is an “annual celebration of workers and their achievements, that was originated during one of American labor history’s most dismal chapters.”
Read moreSep 3
Some people call this delicacy, Neiman Marcus Dip, some call it Million Dollar Dip, some call it Almond Bacon Cheese Spread, but everybody calls it YUMMY!
Read moreSep 2
If you are like most of us, you have no doubt at one time or another heard someone use the phrase “riot act” in a context similar to “he read me the riot act” or “I was about to read them the riot act”. But did you really have any idea where that phrase came from or what it meant? We thought not…
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