Brides Around The World – The Philippines

The releasing of doves is a beautiful tradition that some may choose to incorporate into their own wedding, but it is originally from the Philippines.
Read moreMar 22
The releasing of doves is a beautiful tradition that some may choose to incorporate into their own wedding, but it is originally from the Philippines.
Read moreMar 21
Kransekake is a traditional Danish and Norwegian confection, often eaten on special occasions in Scandinavia.
Read moreMar 20
You are likely to see a bride in India with her hands painted in a beautiful design.
Read moreMar 17
It’s that time of year again when everything turns green for a day, the leprechauns reign, and there is a corned beef in every pot. Or is there?
Read moreMar 15
Every year there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who lose one of their limbs. Many of them, sadly, are our veterans. It is a difficult loss for anyone who must have a leg taken off for any reason.
Read moreMar 14
Some philosophical theories are so powerful, they shape the way we think and act without us even noticing. Yet understanding the different philosophies can be daunting. Over the past two millennia, there have been dozens of movements, doctrines, and various “isms,” often described in dense and complex academic texts.
Read moreMar 13
After several years of lack luster gowns and more funky dress and suit styles at Hollywood’s big night, last night was a return to more traditionally glamorous attire at the 95th Academy Awards.
Read moreMar 10
With the Oscars just around the corner, we thought it would be fun to share some words on the one and only Grace Kelly!
It does seem like a fairy tale! An actress who falls in love with and marries a Prince and becomes a Princess! Read on for some interesting facts.
Read moreMar 9
Mar 7
You may have noticed that there has been a lot of discussion lately on social media about the best way to clean these trusty work horses of the kitchen… wooden spoons.
Read moreMar 6
This is a photo of one of the most beloved authors and Christian thinkers of the 20th century, C.S. Lewis.
Read moreMar 3
Known fondly as the “People’s Princess,” the late Princess Diana occupies the pantheon as one of the most beloved members of the British royal family ever. Thanks to her kind and compassionate nature and outspoken advocacy for humanitarian causes, Diana was heralded as a relatable, empathetic royal who cared deeply about the human condition.
Read moreMar 2
Mar 1
This is a photo of two Hollywood legends…Sammy Davis Jr. and John Wayne a.k.a. The Duke.
Read moreFeb 23
Offering someone a cup of cool water has been a sign of kindness and hospitality since ancient times. Did you know it is even mentioned in the Bible?
Read moreFeb 22
Yesterday was the final day of Mardi Gras in New Orleans and celebrate they did. Colorful and joyful and all sorts of other things, THIS is Mardi Gras!
Read moreFeb 21
Once the U.S. finally secured its independence from Great Britain with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the new country had to invent lots of things from scratch, including its form of government, its rules and laws, and even what to call its leader.
Read moreFeb 20
It’s Presidents Day as you are surely aware. So today we want to share with you a fun way to help your children, or help yourself for that matter, identify and know a bit more about each of the former gentlemen we have called Mr. President.
Read moreFeb 17
This picture depicts two couples. Read on to find out the sweet significance.
Read moreFeb 14
Ever wonder exactly who St. Valentine is and how he became associated with this holiday for lovers?
Read moreFeb 13
Feb 10
We came across this lovely story and wanted to share it with you, our chums 🙂
Read moreFeb 9
Breakfasts seems to come in all sorts of different ways. Some people don’t have any breakfast at all; others have a quick glass of juice and a cup of coffee; still others sit down to a large breakfast that takes them through the day.
Read moreFeb 8
Joy does not arrive with a fanfare, on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee, watching the sun hit your favourite tree, just right.
Read moreFeb 7
You do it everyday…wash your face, but today we will share a new idea or at least new to us. Wash your face with…
Read moreFeb 6
Inspiring Quotes has done it again!
These quotes are wonderfully calming and just what we need when we are feeling a little anxious or a lot anxious, for that matter!
Read moreFeb 3
Few monuments capture the public imagination quite like pyramids. These feats of engineering teach us about cultures that lived long before us — not just their art and innovations, but their everyday lives.
Just how old is the earliest pyramid? How did Egyptians start building their iconic smooth-sided pyramids? What are we still discovering within them? From the towering Great Pyramids of Giza to the complex stepped pyramids of Mesoamerica, these seven facts reveal just how mind-blowing pyramids really are.
Read moreFeb 2
If you’ve never tried sleeping on a pillow covered in a silk pillow case it’s time you tried one.
Feb 1
Springtime brings turtles out in full force, crossing roads to find mates or a quick meal. Also known as Testudines, turtles and tortoises are ecologically important — in the ocean they eat seagrasses that thrive on coral reefs and clean up dead fish; on land they dine on invasive plants and provide burrow homes for other animals, such as owls and bobcats. Celebrate these slow-moving dinosaur descendants by learning more about them below.
Read moreJan 31
Jan 30
If you want it to be a good week it helps to start off with a grateful spirit and a joyful attitude. We came across this lovely quote from Maya Angelou and thought you might appreciate it as much as we did.
Read moreJan 27
It’s the end of the week and whether it’s been a really good one or a really tough one, we all can use a good chuckle to head into the weekend. So here you go…
Read moreJan 26
There is no denying that honey and oatmeal make a great combination. Also no denying that everything seems to cost more these days. So making your own Honey Nut Granola is both an economical and delicious endeavor, not to mention healthy and satisfying.
Read moreJan 25
This is what a genius looks like. This is Thomas Edison who holds the world record for patents at 1,098 recorded patents. His major contributions include, but are not limited to, the phonograph, the microphone, the first commercial power station, the first industrial research laboratory, an electric railroad, key elements of motion picture apparatus, and of course, the lightbulb. But his genius wasn’t always so obvious.
Read moreJan 24
One really does not have to have a lot of money to be generous. You can be generous with your smile, with your love, with your joy! And read on to hear the power of being generous!
Read moreJan 23
Last week we did a post here on superfoods. Today we want to expand on that. When we think about what the world at large eats it is interesting to note that grains are by far the main staple of the diet of the world’s population. Corn is the most produced crop globally with 1.1 billion tons, followed by wheat with 760.9 million tons and following close behind is rice with 756.7 million tons.
Jan 20
According to Interesting Facts, while many nutritionists and physicians recommend healthy eating over fad diets, some foods offer more nutritional benefits than others.
Read moreJan 19
As we know, lighthouses these days, because of modern technology, are not really necessary although some still do exist. Here are some interesting points about lighthouses:
Read moreJan 18
Getting ready for that special day of love next month? Here are a few William Shakespeare lines that might be of help.
Read moreJan 17
Ancient Greek civilization is one of the foundations of Western culture, and its influence still echoes in our daily life. These thinkers gave us the modern concepts of pedagogy, mathematics, democracy, and, of course, philosophy.
The early philosopher Pythagoras is credited with inventing the word “philosophy” in the 5th century BC, referring to a love and respect for wisdom. Over time, the term began to designate a special kind of wisdom, born from the methodical use of reason.
Read moreJan 16
As the only non-President to be honored with a national holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. most certainly gave us some words of wisdom which ring as true today as they did 50+ years ago as he was leading the civil rights movement. Today we share a most important quote that comes from a speech he gave when accepting the Nobel Peace Prize.
Read moreJan 13
Most of us know a good word when we hear one. Today we are sharing a good word from a good man speaking words of encouragement to those who may most need to hear them.
Read moreJan 12
As the New Year gets into full swing so do some of our New Years resolutions…you know the one about trying to be healthier in our choices and drinking more water? Today we share some infused water ideas for you to try.
Read moreJan 11
With age often comes wisdom. When one has lived a full and rich life there is a “knowing” that sometimes eludes those who are young. Today we share some wise words from Prince Phillip who learned a thing or two in his 99+ years that seem especially relevant today.
Read moreJan 10
Jude Nyame Yie Kofie made headlines last year after his family discovered the autistic 11-year-old is a piano savant who can play almost anything by ear.
Read moreJan 9
Jan 6
Jan 5
“I just went to buy a Samsung washer and dryer from a guy, and he was asking $500. I told him I just had a kid and if he could take $400, I’d be really grateful.
Read moreJan 2
For many of us, the holiday season is a time to set goals and intentions for the new year. But we don’t have to wait for January 1 to hit the reset button on our lives or facilitate change in our communities.
Read moreDec 30
Not sure if all of our chums agree but we have found that 2022 raced, if not sped, by! Here we are, a couple of eves away from a new day of a new year! Here are a few quotes which we think you will appreciate:
Read moreDec 29
When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in on March 4, 1933, the country was in the midst of the Great Depression.
Read moreDec 28
Inspiring Quotes tells us:
Jane Austen was an English author still beloved today for her sharp, witty descriptions of the social life of the landed gentry in the early 1800s. While she only lived to age 42, she wrote at least six novels and other works, most notably Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park.
Austen’s writing centers women’s experiences in an insulated world largely dominated by men. Her father was a country Rector and she had six brothers and one sister. She was close to her older sister, Cassandra, and the relationships between sisters are central to her works.
Importantly, Austen published anonymously as, “A Lady,” which was still a relatively bold declaration in an era when women’s literature was printed and respected much less than men’s work. Women authors often used male pen names at the time. Austen’s brother, Henry, helped her to get published and revealed her identity posthumously.
Austen never married. She accepted one proposal then changed her mind, and there are conflicting accounts that she loved a man who died soon after their meeting. After their father died, her brothers helped Austen, her mother, and her sister with their finances. While she became a successful author, she was still vulnerable to the fates and fortunes of men — a fact that is reflected in her protagonists’ lives.
Austen’s dry humor, engaging dialogue, gift for capturing the absurdities and poignancies of human relationships, and deft storytelling landed her a place in the Western canon of literature. Her works are still read and studied, and her popularity endures — in 2017 she was featured on a £10 bank note, and her works have been frequently adapted for both TV and film, most recently in the 2020 movie, Emma.
Perhaps her most powerful legacy is in helping to establish the value of a woman’s story told by a woman. Here are 20 quotes that exemplify her keen and sensitive voice.
Read moreDec 27
Dec 26
The big day is over but another one, or many other ones, are around the corner. Guests will come for fun times, there will be parties to celebrate the New Year, and there are always those get togethers to watch big games, not to mention just the ordinary weeknight dinners you will prepare. And since there is food involved, we are always on the lookout for ways to simplify the steps needed to serve the food you’ve worked so hard to make. Enter this Savvy Secret!
Read moreDec 23
The official purpose of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, whom the globe’s roughly 2.2 billion Christians worship as the Son of God. The unofficial purpose is to spend quality time and exchange presents with loved ones, preferably near a fireplace. Based on the fact that Christmas (short for “Christ Mass”) takes place on December 25, one might reasonably assume that this is the date of Jesus’ birth. The truth is a little more complicated.
Read moreDec 22
See how many of these you know!
Read moreDec 21
Dec 20
The very first American Presidents — George Washington included — led the country through the American Revolution and its earliest days without wearing a single pair of pants!
Read moreDec 19
To be a snowman is to live a life of extreme impermanence.
Read moreDec 16
Words are powerful, capable even of changing the course of history. They can win wars or prevent them. They can impart comforting knowledge in the face of adversity and inspire others to great feats and great discoveries. They can set people free, or at least set them on a path to freedom.
Read moreDec 14
If you’ve been around Two Chums for more than a minute you know how much we love our butter! We have some Savvy Secrets for you today for using all that lovely butter 🙂
Read moreDec 13
This time of the year is wonderful! “The most wonderful time of the year” as a Christmas Carol reminds us.
But, we are usually doing more than usual, probably not sleeping as much, etc. etc. and fuses can get short.
Read moreDec 9
With the Holidays upon us, a lot of us are being invited out and needing that extra little bit of “polish” that perhaps we learnt when children…..or NOT! There is good reason for this polish, to be sure. Why?
Read moreDec 7
Dec 6
Dec 5
Pepsi has been nearly synonymous with cola for more than a century, but it wasn’t always called that.
Read moreNov 29
The story of King George V and his parrot goes as follows: When the future King was serving in the Royal Navy in his youth, he traveled the world. At age 17, he was a midshipman on HMS Bucchante, which docked in Port Said, Egypt. While ashore, the then Prince purchased an African Grey parrot named Charlotte.
Read moreNov 28
The Mail on Sunday reported that Charlotte, rather than Edward will likely receive a coveted title previously held by Prince Philip.
Read moreNov 25
This dear “thank you” note card is available on Shutterfly!
In days gone by, a short and sweet thank you note for a meal well enjoyed or the such, was called a “Bread and Butter Letter”.
Read moreNov 24
On this day we set aside each year to offer thanks and gratitude for all our blessings, we came across a quote that touched our hearts. We hope it might touch yours too.
Read moreNov 22
As you are well aware, Thanksgiving is only couple of days away. And no Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without that iconic and yummiest of sides, mashed potatoes. So today we have a Savvy Secret for making those mashed potatoes to go alongside your turkey. We came across this great idea on Instagram, gave it a try, and want to share it with you, our chums.
Read moreNov 21
Nov 17
Given that his mother and predecessor, Queen Elizabeth II, was the longest-reigning monarch in British history — ruling for over 70 years — it makes sense that Charles III holds the distinction of being both the longest-serving British heir-apparent and the oldest individual to assume the British throne.
Read moreNov 16
On September 8, 2022, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom and its Commonwealth realms.
For the first time in most of their lives, the British found themselves ruled over by a king, with even the words of their national anthem changed — after 70 years of “God Save the Queen” — to reflect the new male monarch. The actual coronation of King Charles III is set to take place on May 6, 2023, with all the pomp and circumstance associated with the British royal family.
Here are a few of his thoughts:
Read moreNov 15
Golly! It is interesting to note what the most used surnames (last names) are in the world!
Read moreNov 14
Everyone seems to receive great advise when it comes to living and eating healthy, from well meaning friends and family and anonymous sources in articles and on television. The problem is, one week something is touted as “the best for you” and a month or so later you hear about all the terrible adverse problems this said “healthy thing” can create.
In the spirit of staying light and keeping a sense of humor, we offer you this today:
Read moreNov 9
King Charles III and Queen Camilla have chosen their respective cyphers to be used on all official communication.
Read moreNov 8
Nov 7
We might be a “little late to the party” as they say but wanted to make sure that you all saw this!
Read moreNov 4
This is a wonderful, funny books for the Littles. If you are not familiar with it, get it! It’s worth sharing with your Littles, for sure.
Read moreNov 3
Goodnight Moon is a very familiar book to most people. It is one of the first books that newborns receive, for sure. And “read” it they do, over and over again!
Read moreNov 3
Some of the most common, most well-known sayings we share are about the idea of home. Whether it’s The Wizard of Oz’s famous “There’s no place like home” or the classic “Home is where the heart is,” home is the subject of so many famous quotes exactly because it is such a difficult concept to pin down.
Read moreNov 2
It’s safe to say that Americans love pizza.
In one 2021 survey, 41% of consumers reported eating at least one slice of pizza every week. Other data indicates that around 350 slices are sold every second — and in 2021, American pizza sales topped $48 billion. But the doughy, saucy, cheesy goodness wasn’t always an American staple. In fact, pizza was around for more than a century before making its way across the Atlantic from Italy.
Read moreNov 1
We are hoping to help you start this new month with a chuckle. If you have a family…and we all do of one kind or another…you know there are those unfortunate incidents or quirky personalities or embarrassing qualities, (or maybe all three of those) you know people outside your family might not understand and you would just as soon keep quiet. We found a pillow with just the reminder your family may need to adobt as a motto…
Read moreOct 31
Everyone loves a fun jack o’lantern on Halloween, but the carving of one can be a challenge. Today we have some tips and a video from Good Housekeeping we think might help you have an easier time.
Read moreOct 28
Oct 27
The next time you want to do something or learn something new and someone tells you that you are “too old” (it might even be you telling yourself that) remember this:
Read moreOct 26