A Post Script
This being corn season, we thought we would give you an extra Savvy Secret this morning…..how to husk your corn!
Enjoy and may this add to the abundance in your lives!
Oct 19
This being corn season, we thought we would give you an extra Savvy Secret this morning…..how to husk your corn!
Enjoy and may this add to the abundance in your lives!
Oct 19
One of our chums, Jan, sent us a great savvy secret for husking corn…we want to share it with you, our other chums 🙂
Oct 19
As the weather begins to cool down we all seem to look forward to certain signals that remind us it is Fall. Putting on our favorite sweaters, watching the leaves change color, seeing pumpkins appear on doorsteps and porches and the comfort of warming ourselves with soup.
Oct 18
The amazing age of communication in which we now live had its first stirrings in the 1870’s when Alexander Graham bell invented the telephone. Although the telephone is what the world remembers this gentleman for, his passion was actually something different. Read more
Oct 17
Again, a dear friend, Hilary, sent us these Bounce Savvy Secrets which we are thrilled to share with all of you. Read more
Oct 16
No one seems to know exactly why this moist delicious cake is called Hummingbird Cake. But, there are many theories as to how it got the name. Read more
Oct 15
You might well ask! It is not often that I run into people in Southern California who know where Nova Scotia is, much less what it is!
Oct 12
No matter what restaurant you go to in the South, you are bound to find Biscuits and Gravy on the menu. It is a favorite breakfast among Southerners. Who can resist a hot flaky biscuit fresh from the oven. Now add some creamy sausage gravy and it becomes even harder to turn down! Read more
Oct 11
Oct 10
Who doesn’t love Lucy? Apparently she is very loved by many of us. In a recent poll of well over 1 million people done cooperatively by People Magazine and the television news show 20/20, I Love Lucy was ranked as the #1 favorite TV show!
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Oct 9
It’s coming…or should I say “They’re coming”…Halloween is around the corner and all those neighborhood children adorned in their costume finery will come knocking on the door. Whether you still have little ones of your own at home or now its grandbabies that make your cheeks hurt from all the smiling, who can resist a precious little one in a costume so excited to be going door to door and collecting all that sugar…aka candy. I love it! And my husband Randy loves it even more! Each year he hands out the biggest candy bars he can buy in the hopes that in years to come, adults who used to be the children trick or treating in our neighborhood, will drive their children past our home, point out of the window of their cars at our house and exclaim with great fondness, “The people in that house always gave the best candy every year!” Read more
Oct 8
The United States and Canada have many, many things in common and one of those things is that both countries celebrate Thanksgiving – one, on one given day, and the other, on another given day – each year. Read more
Oct 5
Whether you call it a Buckle, a Brown Betty or a Cobbler, the end result is the same……yummy deliciousness!
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Oct 4
One of the easiest and tastiest ways to prepare any food is roasting it. But too often people are afraid of this method of cooking. It may well be because we have all attended dinners or banquets where we were served the proverbial “rubber chicken”…a dry tasteless, tough, piece of meat. If you are suffering from a fear of roast chicken, your Two Chums are here to help with that 🙂 Read more
Oct 3
OK, if you follow Two Chums everyday, by now you’ve realized this is “Chicken Week”. Today is the third installment in a week long line up of simple and tasty things you can make for dinner using chicken. Today it is Chicken Divan:)
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Oct 2
About 25+ years ago, my husband Randy and I, were at dinner with some great friends at an Asian restaurant in Beverly Hills. We hadn’t seen each other in several months, so as often happens, we were much more intent on catching up with each other than on reviewing the menu and selecting our dinner choices.
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Oct 1
Today I want to share with you one of my family’s favorite meals…..Chicken Stroganoff, a lighter version of the more well known beef stroganoff. It is simple to prepare, can be made several days ahead of the time you plan to serve it, (it just gets better as it sits), and is one of those meals that after tasting it, people always request to have the recipe. The way I happened to make it came about in one of those happy mishaps life sometimes gives us 🙂
Sep 28
About 25 years ago a little book entitled All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten hit book store shelves and landed on coffee tables all across the country. It was an almost instant success because it addresses the basic lessons we learn early on in life that can shape us.
Sep 26
….at least your Two Chums think so! We love all the Royals and love to hear about what they are doing but….. Catherine and William stand out! Read more
Sep 25
Did you know that other than June, the most popular month to get married is October? Maybe you or someone you know is getting married this Fall or having an engagement party or celebrating an anniversary. If so, we have some fun ideas for treats to serve your guests.
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Sep 24
As you all know, we love to share Savvy Secrets and invite you, always, to share yours with us to pass along. Recently, we were given these Savvy Secrets using things from one’s pantry from our chum Hilary. Although we have not tried them, we feel sure they will be helpful to one and all! Read more
Sep 20
Do you have any older furniture in your home that you really love but that frankly is looking a bit tired? And the cost of new upholstery isn’t in the budget right now? Slipcovers may just be the answer 🙂
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Sep 19
Continuing on with our “house to home” theme of this week, your Two Chums both enjoy having “collections” of things. These collections vary and could be almost anything, really. Read more
Sep 18
I don’t know about you, but I find that a bed without a headboard or lots of pretty pillow shams lined up across the back, looks unfinished. Besides that, if you want to sit up in bed and read, for example, it is not so comfortable against the hard wall. Read more
Sep 14
Now who doesn’t love a chocolate chip cookie? Everyone has their favorite recipe and if they don’t have a special one they defer to the one on the back of the bag of Nestle’s Toll House chocolate chips. It is a good recipe, but I think there is a better one.
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Sep 13
Napkins have been around longer than you may think. The ancient Romans are known to have used cloth napkins to protect from food spill and to wipe the mouth. The guests at a dinner brought their own napkins and carried away left-over food in them. With the fall of Roman Empire, napkins disappeared from the dining table.
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Sep 12
Nothing sets the tone for a lovely evening like some yummy hors d’oeuvres to start your party when you are hosting family and friends. And if they happen to be really easy to make and easy to eat….well …all the better 🙂
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Sep 11
Everyone likes to feel wanted. That is why Jackie and I feel so strongly about using place cards when we invite anyone to a gathering where we will be sitting down to a meal. They tell the person whose name is on the card “we’re glad you are here and we planned on you coming.” Besides that, place cards can be just plain fun to design and make!
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Sep 10
Ten minutes before my guests arrive, I like to go around and light all of the candles. Candles create a wonderful atmosphere in your home, both, because of the light they produce and, if they are scented, the perfume they give off. Read more
Sep 7
A picture is worth a thousand words….if you like Key Lime Pie you’ll love this recipe. It is quite simply the best!
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Sep 6
You might be thinking that your Two Chums, or at least this Chum, has a foot fetish. We have mentioned ways to help your feet look better several times in the last several weeks. Here is one more…so now you can be sure I have a foot fetish 🙂
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Sep 5
We started this week with Labor Day and a time to remember those who serve in the work force, which hopefully is, or has been, most of us. So this week on Two Chums, our posts are about things somehow related to “Labor”. Yesterday we offered some info on some products that can make work at home easier.
But today I want to share with you the joy and benefits of another kind of labor…that of caring for our children and grandchildren.
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Sep 4
What to do with all of those plastic bags that you receive when buying different items at the store? We have found this wonderful way to store them! Read more
Sep 3
Labor Day is a legal national holiday dating back to the end of the nineteenth century. It has evolved into a general “last fling of summer” festival.
It started as a parade in honor of the working class by the Knights of Labor in 1882 in New York. The parade was held on the first Monday in September and was designated by them as Labor Day as it has continued to be known.
All over this country today, people will be having cookouts and celebrate the holiday with hot dogs. Where you are living in this great country of ours will dictate just what kind of dogs you will enjoy 🙂
Aug 31
All this week we have brought you a “potpourri” of subjects. We want to finish out this week with a recipe that will allow you to make a potpourri of shortcakes.
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Aug 30
If you were asked if you speak French, you might feel that your answer would have to be “no” but, in fact, there are words and phrases that we use in the English language all the time which are definitely French.
Aug 29
Most people these days take showers but there is nothing better than the occasional good soak in the bath tub…..and, even better, a good soak with some wonderfully scented bath salts. Read more
Aug 28
Here is a potpourri of very interesting historical facts that you more than likely have never heard about. It will help you to understand some of the phrases and terms we commonly use but maybe have never thought about their meanings or origins until now….
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Aug 27
One of our chums, Lisa, shared this potpourri of very useful Savvy Secrets and now we are passing it on to you, the rest of our chums 🙂
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Aug 24
Summer is almost over, a new season is starting, and school is back in session! As you know, your Two Chums firmly believe in celebrating the good and so what better time to do just that? We are celebrating the wonderful time we have had all summer and all that the months ahead have in store. Read more
Aug 23
Oh, the joys of reading! Nothing better than sitting down with a good book quietly and imbibing its contents. Actually, there IS something better, in our minds, and that is sitting down with our grandchildren, our little ones, and reading books to THEM.
Aug 22
Maybe the hardest thing about back to school for all mothers is packing lunches….particularly if you happen to have a picky eater.
Aug 21
When I was told at a particular school that there was no PTA, I knew that this was not the school for our son, Trevor! Read more
Aug 20
Oh it is that time again! Backpacks and lunch boxes are reappearing as the first day of school approaches. And in nearly every store you enter you see mothers and children shopping for back to school necessities.
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Aug 17
OK I know you’re thinking this must have been a typo right? Because, after all, you must be wondering what kind of cup cake you can possibly make in 3 minutes!
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Aug 16
“Never lose your ability to be awed”….that was the caption on an ad Jackie and I saw recently. It sparked a conversation between us about staying childlike in our approach to each day.
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Aug 15
If you liked the list we gave you on Monday for some creative personal and household uses for vinegar, you’re going to love this list!
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Aug 14
Your Two Chums really do love to have fresh flowers around, either those cut from the garden or bought at the Flower Market or grocery store. Obviously, a plant lasts much longer than cut flowers and a favorite of ours is the orchid. Read more
Aug 13
It’s no secret, that whenever possible, your Two Chums like to use simple and natural products. So we were thrilled to come across so many great uses for that bottle of distilled white vinegar you have in your cupboard.
Aug 10
We all need to stop and rest from time to time. This comes easier and more naturally to some of us than to others. Until a few weeks ago I was one of those who resided in the “I’ll rest when I die” camp. Oh, I would claim that I could rest, or would rest, as soon as________(you fill in the blank), but those closest to me weren’t fooled by my announcements of having rested or of my plans to do so soon.
Aug 9
For two weeks the world has been watching as young men and women have put it all on the line to try to prove that they are the best at what they have been trained to do. We have had a front row seat to the “thrill of victory” and the “agony of defeat”.
Aug 8
There are two kinds of English….the original, the one spoken in England, and the one we speak here in America. Your Two Chums have fun comparing words used that are completely different but mean exactly the same thing.
Jackie grew up in England and Robin here in Southern California. We thought it would be a fun exercise to show you, through two letters saying exactly the same thing, how two completely different words can mean exactly the same thing. The first letter will be the British English version and the second, the American English version. Here’s your chance to see how good of an English translator you really are. Read more
Aug 7
Over the last two weeks we have been linking our posts here at Two Chums, to topics that are in some way related to the Olympics. So, you might be asking yourself what coconut has to do with the Olympics or The Sweet Smell Of Success….a good question, so allow me to explain.
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Aug 6
Who knew of the many uses of a cucumber? We were amazed when one of our Chums, Wendy, sent us this list of fantastic uses for cucumbers and felt that you should all know about them as well.
Aug 3
The word sandwich was born in London one night in 1762 when an English nobleman, John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792), was too busy gambling to stop for a meal even though he was hungry for some food. Read more
Aug 2
Our thought, this week, is automatically going to London where the amazing Olympics are being staged…..and, when one thinks of London, if one likes to shop, the first two shops that come to mind are Harrods and Fortnum and Mason.
Aug 1
Jordyn Weiber demonstrated superb sportsmanship on Sunday when, in front of the whole world, she failed to qualify to compete in the All Around for gymnastics. It was especially difficult for Jordyn as she is the reigning World Champion. Read more
Jul 31
Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a Mom on the run, we all need to pay attention to our feet. Read more
Jul 30
Jul 27
Ready, set, go. London is ready and the world is waiting to see the Opening Ceremonies of the XXX Olympic Games tonight. Televisions are tuned, DVR’s are set to record, sofa cushions are fluffed and eyes agog! Everything is ready. All we need now is a Gold Medal snack.
Jul 26
1908, 1948 and now 2012! These are the years that London has played genteel host to the Olympics and yes, by Jove, London is ready! There has been much question about whether she would be ready but, of course, in total British fashion, she IS ready to greet her guests and we have no doubt that it will be a wonderful few weeks.
Jul 25
Today it is my turn to celebrate a very dear lady …….. Robin Northrup, my Chum! And such an amazing lady she is! Read more
Jul 24
Whether you are taking a summer’s weekend away, going on a two-week holiday across the country or traveling to London to the Olympics, a good packing job will help ensure that you look your best at the other end. Read more
Jul 23
When the dog days of summer kick in and you can’t seem to escape the heat, having something that is both cool and refreshing and is simple and easy to prepare is a treat for everyone to enjoy. One of those special treats is what the Mexicans call agua fresca….fresh water.
Jul 19
One of the things I have come to enjoy over the years is painting furniture. There is a real satisfaction in being able to take an old and tired piece and make it truly better than new.
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Jul 18
Today we continue our week of painting ideas and tips by taking a look at applying glaze to the walls of a room to achieve a faux finish. So pretty, and easier than you might think to do yourself.
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Jul 17
This week we are looking at things that can be transformed with paint….walls, furniture, bathtubs….wait…bathtubs? Well the bathtubs aren’t exactly painted in the traditional sense, but they can be transformed with a technique that looks like painting and gives the appearance of a whole new tub!
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Jul 16
Your Two Chums love to paint! Painting completely makes things new! Through the years, we have learned many things about painting and want to share some of those tips with you. Read more
Jul 13
There are so many wonderful ways to use fresh herbs whether from your own garden or a neighbor’s or friend’s garden, or from the local farmers’ market or grocery store. So today we are going to share just a few of our favorites with you.
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Jul 12
As you know, your Two Chums love the idea of sitting down and penning a note to convey their feelings but there is another, very fun, way to do exactly that…… through herbs and flowers. Read more
Jul 11
All this week we have been focusing on one of our favorite garden topics…herbs.
If you are growing herbs in your garden or in a terra cotta pot kitchen garden, you may not need to store them as you can cut just as much as you need for any given meal. But if you are buying herbs at the local farmer’s market or the grocery store or Trader Joe’s, you will want to store whatever unused portion is left to have for another day. Below are some tips for how to best store a few common herbs and keep them fresh as long as possible. Though you can wrap and store them in the refrigerator, I have found that keeping them in a cool place in one inch of water in a small glass keeps them fresh long enough for you to use them. If you think they are about to start wilting, use them up with some of the suggestions listed below.
If you have some ideas or experience with herbs you are willing to tell us about please write to us by clicking on the little envelope icon at the right side of the website or leave a comment in the comment section. We want to share your good ideas with all our chums for more joy, more love and much more abundant leaving for all. 🙂
Basil and Mint
Storing it: Keep at room temperature in a glass of water for up to a week
How to use it up: Mince and combine with sugar for an aromatic fruit topping.
Storing it: In a sealed plastic bag in the crisper for 1 to 2 weeks.
How to use it up: Chop and combine with softened unsalted butter; drop chunks on top of just-cooked steaks, pork chops, or fish.
Cilantro or Parsley
Storing it: In the refrigerator wrapped in plastic for up to 5 days.
How to use it up: Puree 1 cup leaves with 1/4 cup olive oil and 1 clove garlic to make a pesto; use on pasta or as a dip for bread.
Storing it: In the refrigerator in a sealed plastic bag for up to 5 days.
How to use it up: Whole branches make a perfect bed for roasted vegetables, or tuck them into the cavity of a chicken or other bird before roasting.
Storing it: In an unsealed plastic bag in the crisper for 3 to 5 days.
Use it up: Saute in butter until the butter browns and then store in refrigerator as a sauce for pork or chicken.
Storing it: In an unsealed plastic bag in the crisper for up to 1 week.
How to use it up: Add chopped leaves to a skillet of sausage or bacon.
Jul 10
This week all of our posts will be about herbs in one way or another. Today we want to talk about how to grow herbs. Growing herbs is not hard at all, in fact a child can do it. My 8 year old grandson, Jeremy, actually planted the parsley plant pictured here on my kitchen window sill. He started the plant from seeds in a little dixie cup and as they sprouted and began to grow, we transfered them to this terra cotta pot. In he walked, one day after school, and beaming he announced, “Lolli (my grandma name) this is for you. I planted some parsley and I wanted you to have it because you love to cook and I thought you would really like to have it in your kitchen.” He was so excited and I was so proud of him. There is something very satisfying, no matter what your age, about putting some seeds in the dirt, adding some water and in a few days watching the little sprouts pop their heads up out of the soil looking for some rays of sunlight. I love Jeremy and I love having this special reminder of him in my kitchen greeting me every morning.
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Jul 9
As I have mentioned previously, my darling father was an international banker and oh, what a wonderful life that afforded our family! Read more
Jul 5
Well it’s summer and no matter what meal you are planning, it would probably be better with some corn.
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Jul 4
On this day that we celebrate our freedoms and independence, it seemed fitting to consider the words of wisdom from a great American and arguably our finest President….Abraham Lincoln. There is a bounty of quotes attributed to our 16th Commander in Chief, each of them wise and profound in it’s own way.
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Jul 2
Just 2 more days until people all over the country fire up their grills and barbeques for the country’s celebration of Independence Day, July 4th! Here are some helpful hints, better known by your Two Chums as Savvy Secrets….. for grilling….. Read more
Jun 29
Red, white and blue sangria, that is! All over this country this weekend, grills will be lit and barbeques readied as the celebration of our independence begins.
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Jun 27
Nothing is better in summer than sweet, ripe, delicious fruit. Earlier this week we wrote about peaches. Today we are talking about melons….specifically how to pick a good melon and then how to cut it.
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Jun 26
Jun 25
I love peaches. There are few things that say “summer” to me as much as a sweet, ripe peach. I am talking about the kind of peach that is so juicy you have to eat it over the sink or holding a napkin under your chin because the juice runs down your face when you bite into it. The kind of peach that is so sweet your fingers and hands are all sticky when you’re done. But you probably don’t even care because you feel like you just had a little taste of heaven. Just the fragrance that a bowl of ripe peaches gives off makes me happy. So today I am going to share some “peachy” drinks that I love and hope that you might enjoy them too.
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Jun 22
Now I ask you…..what could possibly be wrong with anything that combines, cookies, coffee, brandy, cocoa, and the creamy deliciousness of mascarpone cheese? Before you even taste it you KNOW you are going to love it!
Jun 21
Our “favorites” week continues today with my favorite centenarian….my mother’s first cousin, Douglas Manning. Douglas is the son of my grandfather’s older sister, Janie. This past weekend my mother and I, and two of my cousins traveled from California to Yoakum, Texas to celebrate his 100th birthday.
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Jun 20
As we continue this week with “favorite things”, today we want to share with you our favorite birthday memories. Jackie’s birthday last year was a very special one that we all were thrilled to be able to celebrate with her and to surprise her as well.
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Jun 19
This week we are exploring some of our favorite things. Yesterday we talked about childhood memories of swinging, one of our favorite summer joys. Today we want to share one of our favorite breakfast foods…Lemon Ricotta Pancakes.
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Jun 18
Summer holds so many special memories for me. As a child I spent a lot of time at family gatherings. My mother’s family was especially large, she had 67 first cousins! So there were always relatives visiting from somewhere in Texas, and all those who had made their way west and were living in California, would gather to welcome them, eat lots of good food, swap stories, sing, talk some more, eat some more, and if you were lucky enough to be a child, play all afternoon uninterrupted because the adults were too busy laughing and talking and eating to care about what you were doing.
Whenever the gathering happened to be at my Aunt Rhoda’s home, I knew the afternoon would include two things: homemade ice cream and a trip to the neighborhood park to swing on the tallest swing I had ever seen. I could spend hours on that swing, climbing through the air up into the trees and overlooking rooftops so that I felt like a bird soaring through the air. Sometimes someone would notice how high my swing was going and call out “too high” and I would have to slow my swinging down until they were busy talking again and didn’t notice.
There was something about swinging that felt exhilarating and calming all at the same time. So I made a mental note that someday when I had my own home I wanted to have a swing that would be ever at the ready for any child who wanted that glorious experience.
Since I’ve been married, we have always had a swing of some kind in our back garden but when my grandchildren were born I found the perfect swing for little ones. My sweet husband found just the right limb in our big old tree and secured the robes to hold it and in no time it was up and ready.
It is a wooden chair swing with a safety bar across the front that doesn’t allow the children to fall out when gliding through the air. And glide through the air they have, nearly every day since it went up 8 years ago. It was originally painted white but has become weather-worn with age. The children love it. Every child who comes into the garden seems to make a beeline for the swing. They wait impatiently for their turns at birthday parties and family gatherings. What I love the most about this swing are the sweet giggles that only a child full of delight can make that come sailing through the air falling on everyone in earshot.
My niece Ashley asked me the other day where I got the swing because she wants one too. Then it came to me that if I love having this swing for my grandchildren, nieces and nephews and other little friends, there just might be others of you out there that would enjoy the sight and sounds of childlike delight that these pieces of wood fashioned into a swing would bring to you as well.
I had long since forgotten the name of the place it came from, but I did a little research and found a swing like it on line. If you have children and a tree to hang a swing from, you just might want one too.
Whether you decide to buy a swing like this or not, I hope soon this summer you may hear those same sweet squeals of delight and know again this kind of childhood joy. Childhood is fleeting but there are memories to be made that will last a lifetime. It isn’t just a swing, it is one of those small things that can so easily contribute to a more abundant life full of love and joy.
Jun 15
Whatever else goes on this weekend, Sunday is the national day for celebrating our fathers. And what could be better for doing that than to offer your father, or the father of your children something sweet and delicious?
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Jun 14
I came to realize a long time ago that a little girl learns how to be woman from from her mother, but she practices on her daddy. What a joy to spend some time this week reflecting about our fathers and what they have meant to us throughout our lives. So many sweet memories have been brought to mind again for both Jackie and me this week.
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Jun 13
It has been said, “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.”
– George Herbert
What to give such an important person in our lives as a gift that will express our love and affection? For most fathers any gift you give with love will be appreciated. But so often one hears, “Men are so difficult to buy for – ladies are easy but men are really hard!”. Well, as far as Father’s Day gifts go, the first and foremost thing that we would suggest is love – wrap it up any way you want, but the very best may be to pour it, abundantly, into a little envelope! And, by that, we mean, that you might put pen to paper and express to your father or to the father of your children just how much you love him and what it is that you love about him most.
Jun 11
I have the distinct privilege of penning some thoughts about that blessed group of people – fathers. Oh, how I could go on and on about my father – suffice it to say that my father was, and continues to be in my heart, very special. He is a rock – so principled and so kind. Read more
Jun 8
Well the week of celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II is coming to a close. In Britain and throughout the Commonwealth countries the celebrations will continue all year. But here at Two Chums we will move on to other subjects and just quietly continue to celebrate this monumental occasion. To close out the week we wanted to give you the very recipe for the chicken that was served at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation celebration 60 years ago…..thus the name…Coronation Chicken. Read more
Jun 7
Oh what a lovely week it has been thus far with all the grand celebrations in honor of Queen Elizabeth! Jackie and I have loved each and every minute of it, from the concert, the clothes, the fanfare and the drama of the pageantry! No one does ceremony and pageantry better than the British! And what joy to see so many people all over the world but especially in London coming together in national pride to honor their Queen.
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